Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Finals Week!

Ah, the end of the semester. When college students everywhere start wishing that they paid more attention in class, the dorms don't sleep, and evidence of cramming is everywhere.

Poor saps. I love this part of the school year. I pay attention in class. I never study for tests. I only have to go to school 3 days this week! No class, only four tests! I am told that I am one of the only people who feels this way. Mwa ha ha... After Thursday, I have no more school until January!

Shameless plug: go down two posts and read the first chapter of me and Becka's story!

Monday, December 10, 2007


I was in a weird moment today, and I had this stupid idea: I should write an epic adventure making fun of my favorite cousin! The idea stuck, and as I 'washed' dishes tonight I proposed the idea to Rebecca, and she agreed to be my cohort.

The first chapter is posted here on my blog, the next one, whenever that is completed, will be posted on Becka's. It will be a ever growing story with each chapter being a mini story with one larger goal in mind: rescue the princess. If you would like to propose an idea for a mini chapter (who does Mitch meet, and what happens to him) please comment. The idea is for each character to be named after a relative. If you are not related to us, leave your name and we'll try to integrate you into the story as we see fit.

Important Author's Note: This is fiction. This is satire. We mean no offense.

Signed Charity & Rebecca

The Many Adventures of Mitch the Midget

An Epic Adventure Of True Heroism
Based on True Events

Chapter One
Or, How It All Began

Mitch was a midget of midget proportions. Red-headed, and known to the few who knew him as a simple man. Not too smart, not too handsome, not too brave. He made his living by playing the war drums for the village warriors.

Isaac the Destroyer was the greatest warrior that the village had. He had raided the most villages and captured the most donkeys. Mitch the Midget didn’t like Isaac the Destroyer. Isaac had stolen his drumstick. He could not play without his drumstick. It was his lucky drumstick. It was made out of rabbit fur and the tooth of the most feared quontron. Isaac didn’t like Mitch either. He played the drums too well, and it took away from his fierceness when people watched the drummer and not him.

Isaac the Destroyer turned the village people against Mitch. “He is not one of us. He has not joined us on any of our raids. He cannot defend us against any one who attacks us! He must go!” The villagers backed their hero, and Mitch was banned, and tossed out without a quib to his name. With nowhere to stay, Mitch started out on the faint path leaving from the village.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Pointless Post

I was playing hearts on my computer (yes, I know, not the greatest opponent, but still) and I beat my previous high score! 423 games played, 203 won (47% for all of you that were wondering), and one high score of 0. Or maybe it's called a low score.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Snow. Ice. Whatever.

What I miss most about Wisconsin: roads in winter. In Wisconsin, snow might not blow off the highways, it also snows more, but Wisconsin has something that seems to be beyond the deepest imaginations of Iowans: snowplows.

In Wisconsin, there are more snow plows on the road than cars. They work 24/7 to make sure most roads are cleared most of the time. They don't wait until the snow has stoped. And even after the weather is nice again, they are always around to clear the roads one last time and to put sand/salt on all the roads to prevent ice. I feel comfortable driving in the middle of a snowstorm there. Not here. If it is absolutely necessary for me to drive this winter, bring the flowers 'cause I'll be in the hospital. Chocolate and funny cards are also appreciated.

Side note: I picked out new frames for my glasses! They are petty much the exact same size and shape and color as my old ones!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

More Cheep Thrills

9:30 PM. The silence is broken by someone screaming bloody murder in the hallway. This is ignored for the first full minute. As the shill sounds continue, I decide it will be worth my time to check it out. Joining the crowd of about six laughing girls standing by my door, I look down the hall about ten feet to see a girl pinning another girl to the ground. This is funny for the simple reason that Shayla (the girl on top) is about half the size of Sarah (the one pinned to the ground).

At first I am unsure what they are doing, but other's comments make it clearr that Shayla is trying to spit in Sarah's mouth. Why, I don't know. And as Becky (from accross the hall) commented, it's kind of sad that we were all amused by this. It is also interesting to note the psycological situation known as crowd mentality, which states that in a crowd, most people will not help out someone in trouble. However, comments were made like "mom, make her stop" and pictures were taken. Unfortunately, my camera is at home so none will be posted. :(

Help! It's a New Semester!

Ok, so I finally went and talked to my very helpful advisor, the very cool Australian/Canadian/New Yorkian Dr.L. He was very helpful, and suggested classes that I actually wanted to take. He was also helpful with choosing who to take classes with ("you don't want to take that class: you'll hate the professor;" "I've never met anyone who appreciates his teaching style;" "you should take it with him, he's kind of absentminded, but he's fun").

Let's play Guess What Classes Charity Is Not Taking! Your choices: Intro to Christian Theology, Western Civilization, Introduction to Literary Studies, Concepts of Physical Fitness, College Writing, Principles of Managerial Accounting, Principles of Macroeconomics, Applied Statistics for Management.

I am not taking three of these classes. Can you guess which ones?
Cyber Cookies for the winner.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Halloween's Over, Casper

More Random Dorm Life Moments...

Ok, only one random moment. Elecia, Shantry, and I just finished supper and were taking the shortcut back up to our floor. For those of you sad fools who have never attended Northwestern, most people exit the caf to the west. Over here lies the main enterence into Fern and the lunch line. On the east side there is another exit. Most people don't use this door. It leads out to a side sidewalk that is not heavily populated. But before exiting that door there is a stairwell that goes up the east wings. Since we all reside on Second East, this is the quickest way for us all to return to our rooms. It seems as if very few people ever use these stairs and you never run into anyone else.

To move up one floor you have to go halfway, make a 180 degree turn, and than continue on the rest of the way. As the three of us rounded the corner, I saw two shapes out of the corner of my eye. People. Two people. Leaning back squished against the wall. Not for long. Sarah and Shayla, our wing tricksters jumped up and yelled BOO! Elecia and I were a little out of it and didn't react, but Shantry let out this shrill scream. It was pretty funny. According to Michelle (Sarah's roommate) who had been hearing "people screaming all night," this has never been done before. Which is a shame. Cheap thrills are often the most fun.

Poultry Weekend

You know what's sad? Becoming elated after creaming a 10 year old at chess. In my defense, Mike's really good. For his age. Really.

Ah, Thanksgiving. No school Wednesday. Sandbultes in Minnesota on Thursday. Kind of boring, I know no one. Spent the entire time talking to the Hooyers (Heidi, Dad, the sisters) and playing cards. The Grandparents Sandbulte on Friday. Jim, Carla, and the kids were also there. Because they live in Nebraska we HAD to watch the Nebraska-Colorado football game. Apparently it is this big rivalry. I got bored and left before the game was over. Saturday was the Hooyers. Much more fun. Better food. People I've met more than twice in my life. Dirty Clubs. Pitch. Kings and Slaves. Fun With Drawing. Soccer. Spoons. Mitch. Mad Gab. By the way Becka, I still have a lump on the back of my head!

The funnest day was, of course, Sunday. I got to pack eggs! Than they let me look for dead chickens! And then (I had to beg) they let me wash out sulfuric smelling five gallon buckets that had broken raw eggs in them all day. You can't beat that.

Oh, Sunday night this quartet came and sang at our church. They were really good. Think Oak Ridge Boys mixed with the Statler Brothers singing cool church songs! As always, my favorite singer was the guy that sang bass. Daddy sang bass, Mama sang tenor...

Friday, November 16, 2007

Titles Are Not My Strong Suit

I love getting things in my mail box! (Hint! Hint!)

It was Natural Beauty Week (at least for us ladies here a NW). Basically, a lot of people gave up something that they thought makes them feel beautiful. Example: makeup, perfume, contacts, etc. Also as a result of this, all the mirrors are covered up.

Anyway, for D-Groups this week we didn't have a lesson from the bible, we had a What Makes You Beautiful discussion. Then we passed each received a blank card that we put our names on, and passed them around the room with everyone writing something positive about that person inside the card. Then we got donuts. Amy attempted the Waiter Showing Off The Food One Handed and almost dumped the sticky pastries on the rest of us. Anyway, the donuts were very good.

Back to my original statement, we didn't get to read the comments on our own card Tuesday until they got mailed to us. I picked mine up today. :) Happy Happy Happy! :)

Monday, November 12, 2007

This is Not a Wal-Mart

The new Wal-Mart super center has opened in Sioux Center. Ticker tape! Parades! Speeches by politicians! Money given away! Parties!

Excuse my sarcasm. I finally decided that I was bored enough to tour the place (an we were out of cat food), so Becka and I stoped by to sneak a peek. After seeing the place I say in complete certainty: this is not a Wal-Mart. Wal-Marts don't have that wide of aisles. Wal-Marts are industrial and warehouse-like. I lost my train of thought. This is why dorms are not the best place to be when you are trying to do something. People stop by to chat.

Anyway, At first approach, it looks like a Wal-Mart: security cameras in the parking lot, arrows pointing the way you should drive, those shopping cart return places, real live automatic doors that seem like there are on the wrong side (watch sometime: most people enter through the 'exit' door). Do Not Be Fooled! This is someones diabolical plan to take over the world! If you walk through those doors you will never be the same!! BRAIN WASHERS!!! Don't do it!!!! Don't let them take you over too!!!!!

Wal-Mart is the greatest store in the universe. Go. Spend money. Look at the fishies.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Didja Miss Me?

I had my post almost entirely written, and than my stupid laptop highlighted and deleted everything. And than this web page helpfully saved my progress.

Ok, lets try this again. *Authors note: I don't feel like typing it all out again.* I haven't blogged in a while... blah blah blah... DON'T SHOOT!... blah blah... I didn't feel like it.

I'm not caught up in all my classes... blah blah blah... took some tests... blah blah... didn't quite know the material... blah blah... Proffessers have been very understanding... blah blah... they will grade differently... blah blah... Don't worry, I'm not completely stressed out.

Ok, back to where I was. Wednesday was Halloween. Children in cute costumes came and cried for candy. Laura broke the lightbulb in the hallway outside her room. Apparently tossing an empty candy bowl up and down is not a good idea. Also, this wing's vaccum is possessed. It moves when no one is touching it!

Elecia, Shantry, and I than went to V. This is the improv team. (If you're wondering, it's pronounced Black V.) It was really funny. My favorite one (as with all improv shows) was the one where they send members out of the room and than have the audience shout out phrases which are written on slips of paper (example: "shun the non-believer" or "I want you, I need you, Oh baby, Oh baby" or "our pet's heads are falling off"). When the team comes back in they are each given the slips of paper which are stuffed in pockets. Then a location is chosen by the audience and the team has to make up a story at that location (for us, the moon). Every once and a while, a team member will pull a sip of paper out of their pocket and read it like it is part of the story, and things take off from there. It was very cool. If you ever have the chance, go watch improv.

Friday, October 19, 2007


How can I express my love,
When I don't know what to say?
How can I unveil what's lost,
When he's not yet gone away?

He was the rock
That we all leaned on,
Though he spoke
Very few words.

I know I cannot change a thing,
Though now I wish I could
Go back to when I was a kid
And spend more time with him.

I'm sorry for the small ones,
Who don't really understand;
I wish they could know him better,
Though they probably won't remember.

I want him to be here forever,
Though I know it's selfish of me;
He belongs with Jesus,
Who he's going home to see.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Hooray For Tech Geeks

So I went up to the computer lab to see if my Cisco Clean Access (we sign on and it lets us use the Internet) was working in the lab. It was, and I posted the previous post. Than I realized that I don't have accounting today (don't ask: I don't know), so I brought my laptop over to the tech geeks who reside in the basement of VPH. I have not been able to get on for the past two days. The amazing Jon fixed it in literally two seconds. Apparently it wasn't my Cisco, it was my Internet settings.

I had to go to the dentist yesterday. Apparently I have good teeth. "What's your secret?" Uh... I forget to brush, I despise flossing... "Um... I don't know..." Then the dentist comes in. "You have both the Hooyer and Sandbulte teeth." Hygienist: "So thats you secret!" Anyway, I need to come in again to get a few fillings, and I also need to get my wisdom teeth out. : (

Oh! I was the first one to pick up one of the new kittens! He's grey, and I named him Ares!


My internet here at school is all wacky. I'm trying to get it fixed, but I can't get on in my room yet. Will blog either this weekend or when I get the tech geeks to fix it.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Titles Are Not My Strong Point

So I have this project for marketing. I won't go into details, because I can't remember all the details. Suffice to say that this project requires too much information, too much time, and there is no point to it.

Last night I went the the library to work on said project with my group. Meet the group. Travis, 20, Freshman. Coming to Northwestern for orientation is the first time he has traveled outside of Nebraska. He also likes to draw. Maggie, 21, Senior. Good student, no creativity. Andrew. Don't know anything about him because he has not come to any of our group get togethers. Than there is our group leader Will. He's a senior. He looks like he's in his early 20s. He's not. I found out last night that he is 32, married nine years with a seven year old son. He does not look that old. It's funny though. He wanted to show us a picture of his wife (on his cell phone) but he didn't know how to get to it, so he called his wife so the picture would pop up.

Apparently they are going to tear down Heemstra Hall (something about it starting to sink), so today the guys who live there staged a silent protest in front of chapel before it began.

Saturday, October 6, 2007


Truck... and Car

Tractors, Trucks, and Three Legged Dogs

Ah, Saturdays. The day of relaxation. Unless you help your dad all day.

So I went with dad to try to find some replacement piece for his spreader. It looked kind of like a little screw a quarter inch long with a little ball thing at the end. Apparently it is important. First we went to Boomgars. They didn't have it in the right size. Than we tried Franken Implements because, according to dad, the definitely would have it. They didn't. So dad drove to the field that he was spreading in, and sent me off to find the piece. First stop, SAC. They didn't have it. Apparently not many people need the part in metric. Last stop, AWS in Hull. They had it.

Then I had to stop in SC to get dad lunch (2 Big Macs) and water (six bottles) and a bottle of mountain dew. The next time you are at a convenience store, I challenge you to try to carry eight bottles of liquid by yourself to the counter without dropping anything. The next two hours were boring. I sat in the tractor and watched dad drive it. On the upside, I learned how to use a payloader. Than I decided I was going to go home. Not going to happen. The front, driver's side wheel was flat. Not just slightly flat. Oh no. This was the-rim-is-almost-touching-the-ground flat.

First things first. Call Becka. Ask her to come to the field with the air compressor. Receive a call a few minutes later. The green car is dead. OK, jump it. Receive a call shortly after. She couldn't get the trunk popped. She got out of the car to try to get it opened. The door closed behind her and the door locked. With the car still running. Call mom. Tell her to leave Sarah, James, and Mike in La Mars and come pick me up. Get bored. Call mom and ask where she is. She had left La Mars and had to turn back around because she had their money. Get picked up 15 minutes later. Go home. Unlock the doors to the green car. Which is still running. load the air compressor into the white car. Drive back to the field. Inflate my first flat tire. Drive home. Sit down. Relax. The rest of the day is mine!

Unfortunately not. Dad called. He needed something. I couldn't find it. Mom had gone back to La Mars. Becka had gone to babysit. I had to take the gold car to Franken to get the stuff. *Side Note: The gold car's tags have been expired since June.* I got the stuff, drove to the field. Dad then sent me straight back because he needed something else from them. I drove back to the field, gave dad his part, he realized he needed something else that he had in his truck. Which was at this point at home with a flat tire. He said I could drive back, and he would follow with his tractor. I was ecstatic. Until I started fish-tailing, lost control, drove into a ditch, into a corn field, spun around, and than stoped the car by driving back into the ditch and colliding with the grassy embankment.

I called dad. He said he would be there shortly, and radioed back for someone to bring a chain. I waited for him with only a three legged dog to keep me company. We pulled the car out, and found the only damage to be... a flat tire on the front driver's side. And a missing license plate.

None of this is made up. And the best part? I got paid $7 an hour while all of this was happening! I mean, who else gets paid for crashing their car?

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Happy Friday

Today feels like a Friday. Not the I'm really happy feeling, just It Needs To Be Friday So I Can Go Home feeling. On a high note, I'm listening to White Lightning at this precise moment. Ooh... now its Kaw-Liga!

Any-hoo. Nothing much happened today. Dad woke me up at 6:30. I showered. I did nothing for a few hours. Sarah took me to class. I did nothing for a while. I ate lunch with Shantry at about 1:45. Still! Though you broke my heart... Still! Though we're far apart... I looove you still! Than I did nothing for a while. Than I blogged.

Ok, so was I the only one who was completely surprised that Becka's friends are coming down? I thought for sure that they wouldn't get permission, or that it wouldn't be until summer. Who da thunk. Ah well. I guess I should write out the directions for them some time soon.

Side Note: Does anyone else have trouble thinking of good poll questions? Oh... that gives me an idea...

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Knock on Wood

Around campus everyone is getting sick. In Fern alone, every single hall has at least one person with mono. Every single hall but mine. Knock on wood. Hopefully it stays that way, but in these confined living quarters it is hard to keep sickness from spreading.

Ah well... I had my first econ test today. Because we hadn't had any before, I didn't know what to expect. The material we are learning is difficult, so I assumed that the test would be hard too. I assumed right. Hopefully I did better than I think I did.

"I always use the bathroom in Second South. They have good reading material." -Laura at D-Groups

Monday, October 1, 2007

Happy Day

As of about an hour ago, I no longer have any more speaches to give for Public Speaking! After memorizing and presenting 624 words, I will never memorize anything for anthing ever again.

Open your bible (or go to biblegateway.com). Look up Psalm 107. Now imagine memorizing the entire thing! Oh, than present it in a way that "establishes your passion for this passage," and create the "feeling of the first time." Oh, and you'll be doing this in front of the entire class. And the Prof. And if you're still feeling good about yourself, just remember that the Prof has the text in front of him waiting for you to make a mistake.

It wasn't all that bad. I was absolutely certain that I'd forget something, but I didn't. And I only messed up word order twice. I got a 97! My best one yet (according to him).

Jeff (my Prof) has handwriting that no one will ever be able to decipher. Some comments include: "What a mo[squigglesquiggle]te t[squiggle]k!" and "You've t[squiggle]k[squiggle]d one of the toug[squiggle] memory [possibly d][squigglesquiggle]s [squigglesquiggle] is!" These comments are meant to help and to inspire. And they might if they were legible.

"You can't look hot and play dodgeball." "It's kind of hard not to." -Laura Beth and Jenni

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Making Money

This is the greatest book to be released this year. And yes, I did consider the book written by that other British author when making this claim. Gasp! She made it to seven books! Big deal. In the Discworld series, this is number 36.

Watashi no Uchi

Grr... For some reason, I was unable to sign on to this sight for the past few days... Not like anything has really happened to me, but...

Yesterday I was up in my room and the phone rang. I was confused. I do not communicate by this medium, and Shantry has a cell phone that she uses exclusively. I picked up said instrument of terror and was surprised to hear Becky on the other end of the line. She was in the lobby downstairs. No, she did not come to see me like other loving siblings do, she was just there to pick up a book that I had finished reading and that she wanted to read. *Side note: the book (Terry Pratchett's Making Money) was awesome and everyone should read it!* Because she was there anyway, I decided that I would go home with her for a genuine home-cooked meal.

My plan was foiled, however, when it was brought to my attention that mom was, in fact, working in Sioux Falls. Sadly my much anticipated home-cooked-meal became a me-cooked-meal. Macaroni and cheese with hot dog chunks. Blame Becka: "I haven't had mac and cheese for a while. Just don't make it Dad Style."

Anyway, I was going to go back to my dorm later that night, but it got late so I spent the night. The next morning I had to drive to pick up dad from way out in the country past Rock Valley. He drove his tractor there for tomorrow. Than he drove me back to NW. He was going to stop in SC for gas, but I told him that's to bad, because I was late as it was. By the time he dropped me out in front of my dorm, I had just enough time to grab my books, run to class, and sit down before the class began. Oh well, who needs to finish their homework.

On another aside: I can't watch CSI here! That time slot, the TV lounge is "reserved for Grey's Anatomy." Grr...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Normal

Once more, a random piece of nothing. The day started out pretty boring. That's when the martians attacked. What do martians look like you may ask. Well, I don't know. I never actually saw one; that being said, I know they were here. How else do you explain the mystery meat in the caf? More proof of their existence is the fact that my marketing test was switched to one on putting together super computers working from instruction manuals written in Latin.

If that wasn't enough, they conspired with my Bib Studies Prof and forced him to plan a huge, intricate, monstrosity of an exam for Tuesday. I believe that it is their diabolical plan to take over the earth while the best and brightest the world has to offer is slaving away at this torture device. That being said, don't plan anything past next week Tuesday. The world won't be here. That is until some genius finishes her test and figures out that the martians' heads explode when cowboy yodeling is played. Just think, you will be able to boast to all your friends that you actually know the heroic savior of mankind. For a small fee, I will mention your name at the ceremony where all countries give me absolute power over all for my large role in saving everyone. Comment if at all interested.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

National Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Avast, me hearties! Today be National Talk Like a Pirate Day! Arrg...

Monday, September 17, 2007

Dinosaurs Ate My German Shepherd

WARNING! This blog has no direction. I have No Idea where it is going, and nothing will be deleted after it has been typed.

Nothing much happened today. I got up a seven. I did my accounting homework. I went to accounting. I came back to my room, picked up Shantry, and went to chapel. Chapel was boring. I decided not to listen, and just repeated the first nine verses of Psalm 107 over and over and over and over and over. There are a little over 40 verses, and I need to have them all memorized by Friday, but I only had the first nine memorized, so that was all I could repeat. Then I went to Economics. It was marginally more interesting. Instead of sitting in my normal seat, I sat in the seat directly to the left of it. It was intense. We learned about price ceilings and price floors. Hint: price ceilings go on the bottom of the graph, and price floors go on the top of the graph. Then I ate dinner.

Then I went to Public Speaking. On my way out of my dorm, I came across Jenni (from my Public Speaking class). It turns out she lives in Fern too. On my floor. It took us four weeks to figure that one out. We spent half of our hour long class period 'exercising.' This means stretching out our jaws and saying tongue twisters. Than I went back to my dorm, and found out that Nicki (also from Public Speaking) also lives at Fern on my floor. As you can see, I'm very observant.

Than I did nothing in my room until about 5:30 when Shantry and I went to eat. Than I came back and typed this up in an attempt to avoid my homework. An aside to Sarah: See! It is possible to blog when you have done nothing with your life since your last post!

Added at 9:50 PM: I just ate seaweed. It tasted like fish and soy sauce. It was gross. If someone ever walks into your room and shoves brittle green plant material into your hands and tells you to eat it...DONT! You will regret it!

Friday, September 14, 2007

School Motto

I don't know what Northwestern's motto is, or if we even have one, but I believe that I have the perfect one. Good mottos should all be in Latin. The reason for this is that it makes us appear smarter than we actually are. They should also be short and to the point. And it has to have a repetitive sentence structure.

Northwestern College
Aut Disce Aut Discede

First person to figure out what this means wins.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Weirdest Thing Just Happened...

So I was sitting in my dorm room playing hearts on the computer. Suddenly a guy ran in the room, turned around as if looking for someone, and than ran out again. If this wasn't weird enough, he was dressed in a black wrestling outfit. Complete with black ski mask. Shantry and I were confused. Neither of us knew who he was.

Things quickly got stranger. Two more guys ran in the room. Both were also dressed in black; one with a ski mask, the other with a stocking hat. They turned and knelt down looking out the door black-ops style. There must have been more of them in all the other rooms, and as one, they yelled "Area is secure" and ran out.

Stunned silence.

All of 2nd East flocked to our doors and looked out. The guys were nowhere to be seen. No one knew who they were, or what they were doing, or why.

Maybe it was those charming gentlemen in our brother wing.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

What's Wrond With This Picture?

I just got back from my public speeking class. I gave my first original speech (teamwork). At the end of the hour we got our evaluations back. Sometimes I don't think the Prof knows me as well as he thinks he does. Note his comments:
-Cool topic.
-Great engagement of audience. Bravo!
-You are so comfortable up there. Awsome. What a gift for speaking you have.

First person to notice 3 things wrong with these statement wins.

Two reasons to watch soccer games: Body Slams and Red Cards.
And yellow cards, and tacleing other players, and watching the other teams coach get kicked out of the game, and one of our players grabbing the neck of one of the other teams players and yanking him off his feet, and fights almost breaking out, and players arguing with the ref...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

In Memory...

September 11, 2001
We will never forget.

Monday, September 10, 2007


Not much has happened since the last post. The weekend came and went. I worked. I watched 'The Lost World.' I went to church. I went to the grandparents. I went home. I went to church again. I came home again. I returned to my dorm room. Life as a whole is boring at this moment in time.

Thursday, September 6, 2007


Tuesday, pretty much right after I posted last, I was in my room when I heard this really loud sound. It didn't sound like any alarm I had ever heard before. EENH EENH EENH... Than Laura Beth comes running down the hall yelling "Fire alarm! Fire alarm!"

All of us that were there gathered at the stairwell and went down together. Downstairs it was really smokey, and we all went and waited outside. Right when we got outside a police car raced up with alarms blaring. Soon after that the first fire truck showed up. That's right. The first fire truck. Eventually 5 fire trucks showed up, and all the firemen with their little oxygen tanks went inside. By now we were getting kind of bored because we had been standing outside for about half an hour, and we couldn't even start our all hall picknic (which was held outside) because all of our food was inside. And also there were people like Tina (just down the hall from me) who was in the shower when the alarm went off, and had to come outside in a towl. For some reason she didn't want to join us at the front of the building.

Anyways, there was no fire. The Caf just got really smokey. After the firemen blew out all the smoke with big fans, they let us back in. Apparently this happens a few times a year.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Tonight is our All Hall BBQ. It is pirate themed. I stole-excuse me- borrowed a bandana from Becky... Hopefully I'll have it back to her before she notices or reads this post. All week our hall had to complete tasks to earn our food/utensils/drinks. Some were really simple (like designing our hall flag) and others were not so simple (fit 10 people inside a phone booth and have a stranger off the street take a picture of it, and than get the picture of the stranger). I helped out with two of the activities. 1: I played Bocce Ball with 7 other people at 10:30 last night because our wing likes to procrastinate, and than I completed two and a half sudoku puzzles that were supposedly difficult... I think it took me about 8 minutes. By the way, which pirate joke do you like best?

The pictures are of Becka and Mitch fighting for the (gross) water in my hall.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Quick Comments

I'm typing this quickly, becasuse I'm going home soon. Thank you God for the weekend!

This week went by really fast. In fact, it feels like it hasn't even started yet! In comparison, it does feel like I've been at NWC for months!

Yesterday Shantry and I went for a walk in downtown OC. It was a really nice day (think room temperature outside) so we walked past the library (Shantry works there and wanted to see how long it would take to walk there) and than we played in the park. Who says that the playground is just for children? Unfortunatly there are no pictures, because it was a spur of the moment decision to take that walk.

I had my first memorized speech for Public Speeking today. It was awful. I "memorized" an excerpt from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. After the first sentence I started shaking, and forgot where I was, so I had to ask Professer Barker to tell me where I was. The rest I kept forgetting too, so I paraphrased a lot, but he only caught me doing it twice! That being said, I only lost 2 points for paraphrasing and 5 points for the "obvious loss of memory," which left me with 93/100! I was dreading this class all day, and actually spent the hour before in the park next to Hospers going over it out loud, but I guess it didn't turn out too bad...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Slime Fights and D-Groups

Friday was the beginning of the Clash of the Classes. The activity for the day was the Slime Fight, which, according to Heidi, is the best part of the entire school year. Basically, it was every class against each other, all fighting for the privilege to fill a water trough full of slime using only small plastic cups and childrens' sand pails with holes punched in the bottom. (whew... that was a long sentence...) It was extremely messy. One time after dumping the slime from my cups into the tank I turned around and found myself facing to guys running right at me with a bucket dripping between them. I couldn't get out of their way, and they couldn't get out of mine, so I ducked down and let them go over me. This of course led to the slime coming out of the bottom of the bucket to cover my head. It was fun though... I was actually envious of the students inside the troughs where we had to transfer the slime from. There were three troughs in the center of the field, and each had a member from each class inside it. They were the only ones who could fill up the cups/buckets, so their always was a line to get slime. Funny moments occurred when people would wipe out because much slime got on the grass making it very slick. All in all it was very fun... Even though the freshmen only got second place...

D-groups (discipleship groups) started last night. D-groups are the bible study groups accross campus every tuesday night, with each hall having their own leaders. It was pretty fun. We had a 'get to know eachother' activity that was very enjoyable (if you were stranded on a desert island and could have only three things, what would they be?). I think I'm going to have fun with this.

Friday, August 24, 2007

New Room

Well, its not exactly a new room, but Shantry and I finally moved the furniture to where we wanted it. The top picture is my area (bed on top of the book shelves which are on top of the dresser and desk) and the bottom area is Shantry's stuff. We moved it all ourselves, and it only took us about 15 minutes. Which, incidently, is about the same amount of time it took for me to remake my bed...

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Is There a BAT in Here?!

Last night we had the All Hall Meeting and Fire Safety Talk. This means everyone from all 9 halls showed up in the gym to listen to all of the rules of dorm life. Because the actuall information was boring, the RA's tried to make it interesting. Some ways they did this was to have 3 RA's write a Hall Anthem and sing it to the tune of O Canada. Than all the RA's rapped all the rules.

Than Lisa (our RD) went through some other rules and than she started reading us a divotional: "...and carrying the yoke of service is there a BAT in here?!" Somehow a bat got into the gym and spent half of the hour meeting flying over our heads.

Apparently Lisa is very into dress up days. No, you don't leave those behind in High School. In about a week, we are having an all hall picknic. The theme: pirates!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Happy (Late) Birthday

Yesterday was James Marster's birthday. Because of the internet problems I was unable to post my best wishes. So anyway, Happy Late Birthday!!!

O-Serve and the Evil Internet

Yesterday we had O-Serve, which was a volunteer service project. Shantry and I signed up for picking up trash on some city park path. For half of the time it was almost like being in Wisconsin again (trees on both sides of the path)! For the rest of the time we looked at corn fields (we were on the edge of town). It was kind of fun. We had too many people walking down the path looking for trash, so I didn't have to pick up a lot of stuff. I met another girl from Whitewater (between Eau Claire and La Crosse). I aslo talked to a Laura from Blue Earth (about an hour from Worthington), which was exciting because I actually know where that is. The two of us actually left before everyone else. They were just standing around looking confused, and we got bored and took off. It was ok though, I talked to Shantry after she got back 45 minutes later, and she said they didn't do anything else after that.

The internet here is not the greatest. Yesterday I tried to get on but it wouldn't let me. About 2 hours later, I tried to get on and it let me for about an hour. Than it didn't work the rest of the night. I thought it might have just been my connection, but Shantry's worked/didn't work at the same time mine didn't. Grr.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


My roommate Shantry.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Roomate, Internet, and Rain

Well, I am officially a resident of Fern Hall. For those of you who don't know Northwestern's campus very well, thats the dorm attached to the Caf. And for those of you who don't speak Northwestian, the 'Caf' is the cafeteria. People here do not like to waste time, so they abreviate everything! Examples: VPH, RSC, TAC, Caf, etc... By the way, if anyone knows what TAC stands for please tell me. I have a class there and I'm clueless.

My roomate's name is Shantry. She and I are very much alike. We're both the quiet, introverted type, and we are both the messily organized. So far the only complaint I have is that she is a night person while I am a morning person. Oh, and she got the bottom bunk before I could claim it. I think we will get along pretty well.

Internet. At home you think nothing of opening up your internet, here the connection is confusing. EVERY SINGLE TIME you want to log on you have to type in your NWC username and password AS WELL AS their anti-virus carrier's username/password. It took me multiple attempts by myself and a trip to visit the computer geeks before I was able to get online. Grr...

Last night, all freshmen participated in what was called the 'Ultimate Game.' Basicly we broke up into groups and each got a different clue. We had to figure out that clue, and go to where it sent us. For example, one of the clues was a sudoku puzzle (I did pretty much all of it) with boxes highligted. Those numbers made up a phone number that we had to call. That person (one of the people in charge of the game) gave us the next building to go to. It was pretty fun for the first few buildings, but than it started pouring. We all got soaked. And than there was the fact that our group ran everywhere. And one clue sent us all the way across campus. And the next one sent us back to the other side... We ran back and forth for 40 minutes. And than we were told that 4 groups had already finished before us. On the plus side there was this really big boom from a lightning strike that shook the whole building.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

On Traversing The Big Siouxer

Saturday was the first time in two years that I have gone canoeing here in Iowa. Unless you count last year, but I don't because when we got to the river we found out that New Life stole our canoes for an event they were having. Side note: Mike did decide to wade in the river and ended up getting stuck in the 'mud' so Randi went in to try to get him out. She succeeded, but ended up getting stuck herself. We had to use Euge's tow rope to pull her out. Unfortunately there were no pictures; water and electronics do not mix.

Saturday was perfect weather for canoeing. It was over ninety degrees, and the water was the perfect depth (probably about 5 ft deep on average). Like the last time I actually went canoeing, Mitch was in the front of my canoe. Unlike last time we didn't capsize and almost die. It was fun though; we splashed Randi and Cal, didn't really interact with my dad, Heidi, and Mike, and avoided James, Gene, and Dillon like the plague. Also (for the first time EVER) Sarah and Rebecca were not 3 miles ahead of the rest of us the entire trip, but actually stayed in the back with Mitch and I.

I am also happy to report that while steering, my canoe did not get stuck on any sandbar or log. We did scrape a log that was underwater, but I blame my lookout man for that. You need glasses Mitch.

The Japanese Bell Choir at the Sioux Center Mall.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Eggs, Eggs, Eggs

Sorry for not posting for such a long time. Computer problems and procrastination are to blame. Anyway... I've been spending most of my time working at We-3-Egg. I spend 7-9 hours a day either taking dead chickens out of cages or stacking eggs. You'd think stacking eggs would be the better job, but than you've never stood in the same spot for hours on end lifting heavy egg flats and smelling broken raw eggs. Raw eggs smell grosser than you think. I'm not saying I like pulling dead chickens from cages (they can be pretty gross if they don't get caught until they've been dead for days), but at least the scenery changes. The funny thing is, the thing that bothers me the most is the name of the place. Shouldn't it be We-3-Eggs?

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Who Has Time To Blog?

OK... So lots of stuff has been going on in the past few days, so finding the time to post has not been easy. The good side is I actually have something to write about, the bad side is that I don't want this post to be too long...

Saturday was Reunion Day. I got to see people who it seems like I never see. Highlights include Curt, Julie, and family making a surprise appearance, the water balloon fight (very fun. I got soaked), and getting smoothies (made by Heather).

Afterwords, everyone went over to Sandy Hollow for swimming and hamburgers. Some college? kids set up a zip line across the pond, and my uncle Greg went on it. It was kind of funny.

Than we went to my grandpa and grandma S's house because my cousins from Michigan (who I only get to see once a year) just arrived. The rest of the day, night (they slept at our place), and today was spent in their company and the company of my Nebraska cousins who also arrived today... Family... Have you ever noticed that most of the year you barely run into each other, but there are times where you can't go a day without seeing some long lost relation?

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Sarcastic Cynicism

Yesterday Mitch and I went to Becky's softball games. The games, in and of themselves, were not that interesting (sorry Becka), but Becky did pitch the JV game. She did pretty well considering she hasn't been pitching to dad of late and she was pitching off of "quick sand." She also was able to connect with the ball most of the time she was up at bat, even when she DHed for the Varsity game! Go Becka!

Meet the leach. He attached himself to me as I left for the game, and I was unable to get rid of him until he was surgically removed from our car about five and a half hours later. (Mitch: this is my cynical sarcastic side at work)

In reality, he came along because (I assume) he was just as bored as I was. But it was all good. My dad and I helped him find his inner cynic, made fun of him, and introduced him to the joys of pineapple pizza. We also played spades (becasue my father decided that we had to leave early, and ended up at the field and hour before the game started), which I would have won if we had finnished the game. Of corse, Mitch may argue that he would have won becasue of his superior 4.0 brain. But than he claimed that 10% of 10$ was ten cents.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Simon Says Read This Post

Yesterday was the Sunday School Picnic. This means that I spent pretty much all the day in what seemed to be 100 degree weather. It got a little boring. There were, however, highlights to the day: a) dunking Pastor Mark in the dunk tank, b) playing softball (detract points for the heat), c) playing Heartland Strategies, d) making fun of Katie for not knowing that my aunt Anne is my dad's sister (she thought we still kept in touch because she used to be married to my uncle Eugene), and d) watching Phil take off his shirt and shoes, don a grass skirt, wig, and coconut bikini, and dance to island music. Unfortunately, the camera was left at home and that last image was not captured on film.

Today, after a very nice dinner at Grandpa and Grandma H's and afternoon church, we went to my other grandparents house. There, we quickly became bored and went outside. After unsuccessfully trying to untangle the human knot, and various unsuccessful attempts to begin other games, we finally decided on Simon Says. I quickly nominated myself for the position of Simon. I really don't like Simon Says. I can never win. Because of this I decided to make the game interesting. For me. I quickly eliminated Seth when he couldn't pat his head and rub his stomach at the same time. He was a little upset at first, but as the game went on, he decided it was better that he didn't stay in the game. He was very helpful in thinking up things for those poor fools who didn't have the sense to quit when they were ahead. The game finally ended when we had to go home. Ah... bliss...

Simon Said...
...do push ups
...run around the house
...run figure eights around the clothesline
...do a handstand
...catch a firefly
...touch a pig
...lick a tree (Katie: "Ew... That tasted gross!")
...kiss James (James: "WHAT?" Sarah/Katie/Mike: "Hey! Come back here!")
...do the chicken dance
...skip around the house
...kiss my dad (Katie: "NO!" Sarah: "It's OK, just kiss him on the head.")
...rebel yell

Friday, June 22, 2007

Testing, One Two, Test

So this is my first attempt at blogging. My sister, Sarah, decided that I need to have my own blog, so she pretty much set the entire thing up for me. Bravo Sarah- you have brought me into the 21st Century.

So yesterday I was bored and playing Siouxlandopoly with my younger brother Mike. Even though he had the equivalent of Boardwalk and Park Place I was still winning. Than the phone rang. It was my uncle Phil. He asked me if I would like to babysit sometime. I answered sure, thinking he would want me sometime in the near future. I didn't realize that it was the very near future he was thinking of. An hour later I found myself in complete control over my three cousins, the oldest of which is ten, and the youngest of which is four.

Ethan, the youngest, is extremely high maintenance. I don't mean he cares what he looks like (he would run around naked if he could), but he does require your attention at all times. It's not that you have to watch to make sure he stays out of trouble, he actually demands that you focus on him at all times. It also takes a lot of effort to get him to eat. I sat next to him for half an hour staight trying to make him eat his two, three inch chicken strips. His bedtime, thankfully, was at 8. Unfortunetly, he decided that he didn't want to go to bed, and I send him back to bed about a dozen times. Grr... Oh well. I did get paid for this, so it really wasn't that bad.

Oh, and after my aunt and uncle got back from their shopping trip to Sioux Falls, I got to take a kitten home! :-) It is tiny and grey and striped and named Houdini. This is because she tried to escape while I was driving home, so I had to put some of my dad's heavy tools on her box so she couldn't get out.

Wow that was long. Comment. Or don't. Your choice.