Thursday, November 29, 2007

Help! It's a New Semester!

Ok, so I finally went and talked to my very helpful advisor, the very cool Australian/Canadian/New Yorkian Dr.L. He was very helpful, and suggested classes that I actually wanted to take. He was also helpful with choosing who to take classes with ("you don't want to take that class: you'll hate the professor;" "I've never met anyone who appreciates his teaching style;" "you should take it with him, he's kind of absentminded, but he's fun").

Let's play Guess What Classes Charity Is Not Taking! Your choices: Intro to Christian Theology, Western Civilization, Introduction to Literary Studies, Concepts of Physical Fitness, College Writing, Principles of Managerial Accounting, Principles of Macroeconomics, Applied Statistics for Management.

I am not taking three of these classes. Can you guess which ones?
Cyber Cookies for the winner.

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