Thursday, September 27, 2007

Watashi no Uchi

Grr... For some reason, I was unable to sign on to this sight for the past few days... Not like anything has really happened to me, but...

Yesterday I was up in my room and the phone rang. I was confused. I do not communicate by this medium, and Shantry has a cell phone that she uses exclusively. I picked up said instrument of terror and was surprised to hear Becky on the other end of the line. She was in the lobby downstairs. No, she did not come to see me like other loving siblings do, she was just there to pick up a book that I had finished reading and that she wanted to read. *Side note: the book (Terry Pratchett's Making Money) was awesome and everyone should read it!* Because she was there anyway, I decided that I would go home with her for a genuine home-cooked meal.

My plan was foiled, however, when it was brought to my attention that mom was, in fact, working in Sioux Falls. Sadly my much anticipated home-cooked-meal became a me-cooked-meal. Macaroni and cheese with hot dog chunks. Blame Becka: "I haven't had mac and cheese for a while. Just don't make it Dad Style."

Anyway, I was going to go back to my dorm later that night, but it got late so I spent the night. The next morning I had to drive to pick up dad from way out in the country past Rock Valley. He drove his tractor there for tomorrow. Than he drove me back to NW. He was going to stop in SC for gas, but I told him that's to bad, because I was late as it was. By the time he dropped me out in front of my dorm, I had just enough time to grab my books, run to class, and sit down before the class began. Oh well, who needs to finish their homework.

On another aside: I can't watch CSI here! That time slot, the TV lounge is "reserved for Grey's Anatomy." Grr...


Loren&Jolene said...

It was good to see you when I came home from work. Thanks for helping James with his homework. Mom

Charity said...

I'm commenting because I don't like how it says "1 comments."