Saturday, August 18, 2007

Roomate, Internet, and Rain

Well, I am officially a resident of Fern Hall. For those of you who don't know Northwestern's campus very well, thats the dorm attached to the Caf. And for those of you who don't speak Northwestian, the 'Caf' is the cafeteria. People here do not like to waste time, so they abreviate everything! Examples: VPH, RSC, TAC, Caf, etc... By the way, if anyone knows what TAC stands for please tell me. I have a class there and I'm clueless.

My roomate's name is Shantry. She and I are very much alike. We're both the quiet, introverted type, and we are both the messily organized. So far the only complaint I have is that she is a night person while I am a morning person. Oh, and she got the bottom bunk before I could claim it. I think we will get along pretty well.

Internet. At home you think nothing of opening up your internet, here the connection is confusing. EVERY SINGLE TIME you want to log on you have to type in your NWC username and password AS WELL AS their anti-virus carrier's username/password. It took me multiple attempts by myself and a trip to visit the computer geeks before I was able to get online. Grr...

Last night, all freshmen participated in what was called the 'Ultimate Game.' Basicly we broke up into groups and each got a different clue. We had to figure out that clue, and go to where it sent us. For example, one of the clues was a sudoku puzzle (I did pretty much all of it) with boxes highligted. Those numbers made up a phone number that we had to call. That person (one of the people in charge of the game) gave us the next building to go to. It was pretty fun for the first few buildings, but than it started pouring. We all got soaked. And than there was the fact that our group ran everywhere. And one clue sent us all the way across campus. And the next one sent us back to the other side... We ran back and forth for 40 minutes. And than we were told that 4 groups had already finished before us. On the plus side there was this really big boom from a lightning strike that shook the whole building.


Itchellmeh said...

sounds like you'll have loads of fun..... on the other hand maybe you'll drown in the sea of hip lingo and high-tech computers. who knows. i guess we'll find out.
(no really)

Charity said...

Thanks, and don't worry: I can swim.