Tuesday, August 14, 2007

On Traversing The Big Siouxer

Saturday was the first time in two years that I have gone canoeing here in Iowa. Unless you count last year, but I don't because when we got to the river we found out that New Life stole our canoes for an event they were having. Side note: Mike did decide to wade in the river and ended up getting stuck in the 'mud' so Randi went in to try to get him out. She succeeded, but ended up getting stuck herself. We had to use Euge's tow rope to pull her out. Unfortunately there were no pictures; water and electronics do not mix.

Saturday was perfect weather for canoeing. It was over ninety degrees, and the water was the perfect depth (probably about 5 ft deep on average). Like the last time I actually went canoeing, Mitch was in the front of my canoe. Unlike last time we didn't capsize and almost die. It was fun though; we splashed Randi and Cal, didn't really interact with my dad, Heidi, and Mike, and avoided James, Gene, and Dillon like the plague. Also (for the first time EVER) Sarah and Rebecca were not 3 miles ahead of the rest of us the entire trip, but actually stayed in the back with Mitch and I.

I am also happy to report that while steering, my canoe did not get stuck on any sandbar or log. We did scrape a log that was underwater, but I blame my lookout man for that. You need glasses Mitch.

The Japanese Bell Choir at the Sioux Center Mall.

1 comment:

Itchellmeh said...

i will make a notice that you did not mention the words "We had fun", or "It was fun". i know that you had fun! i did too. by the way, it was about 2-3 feet deep, my oar could touch very easily.