Thursday, October 4, 2007

Happy Friday

Today feels like a Friday. Not the I'm really happy feeling, just It Needs To Be Friday So I Can Go Home feeling. On a high note, I'm listening to White Lightning at this precise moment. Ooh... now its Kaw-Liga!

Any-hoo. Nothing much happened today. Dad woke me up at 6:30. I showered. I did nothing for a few hours. Sarah took me to class. I did nothing for a while. I ate lunch with Shantry at about 1:45. Still! Though you broke my heart... Still! Though we're far apart... I looove you still! Than I did nothing for a while. Than I blogged.

Ok, so was I the only one who was completely surprised that Becka's friends are coming down? I thought for sure that they wouldn't get permission, or that it wouldn't be until summer. Who da thunk. Ah well. I guess I should write out the directions for them some time soon.

Side Note: Does anyone else have trouble thinking of good poll questions? Oh... that gives me an idea...


Sarah said...

h e y C h a r i t y !
r a n d o m p o l l i d e a s:
what is your favorite color...
which of the following words best describes you...
how many fingers am i holding up...
How do you like my blog...
Is this question biased...

Sarah said...

by the way, your quotes are wonderous

Charity said...

domo arigatou gozaimasu!