Thursday, November 29, 2007

More Cheep Thrills

9:30 PM. The silence is broken by someone screaming bloody murder in the hallway. This is ignored for the first full minute. As the shill sounds continue, I decide it will be worth my time to check it out. Joining the crowd of about six laughing girls standing by my door, I look down the hall about ten feet to see a girl pinning another girl to the ground. This is funny for the simple reason that Shayla (the girl on top) is about half the size of Sarah (the one pinned to the ground).

At first I am unsure what they are doing, but other's comments make it clearr that Shayla is trying to spit in Sarah's mouth. Why, I don't know. And as Becky (from accross the hall) commented, it's kind of sad that we were all amused by this. It is also interesting to note the psycological situation known as crowd mentality, which states that in a crowd, most people will not help out someone in trouble. However, comments were made like "mom, make her stop" and pictures were taken. Unfortunately, my camera is at home so none will be posted. :(

Help! It's a New Semester!

Ok, so I finally went and talked to my very helpful advisor, the very cool Australian/Canadian/New Yorkian Dr.L. He was very helpful, and suggested classes that I actually wanted to take. He was also helpful with choosing who to take classes with ("you don't want to take that class: you'll hate the professor;" "I've never met anyone who appreciates his teaching style;" "you should take it with him, he's kind of absentminded, but he's fun").

Let's play Guess What Classes Charity Is Not Taking! Your choices: Intro to Christian Theology, Western Civilization, Introduction to Literary Studies, Concepts of Physical Fitness, College Writing, Principles of Managerial Accounting, Principles of Macroeconomics, Applied Statistics for Management.

I am not taking three of these classes. Can you guess which ones?
Cyber Cookies for the winner.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Halloween's Over, Casper

More Random Dorm Life Moments...

Ok, only one random moment. Elecia, Shantry, and I just finished supper and were taking the shortcut back up to our floor. For those of you sad fools who have never attended Northwestern, most people exit the caf to the west. Over here lies the main enterence into Fern and the lunch line. On the east side there is another exit. Most people don't use this door. It leads out to a side sidewalk that is not heavily populated. But before exiting that door there is a stairwell that goes up the east wings. Since we all reside on Second East, this is the quickest way for us all to return to our rooms. It seems as if very few people ever use these stairs and you never run into anyone else.

To move up one floor you have to go halfway, make a 180 degree turn, and than continue on the rest of the way. As the three of us rounded the corner, I saw two shapes out of the corner of my eye. People. Two people. Leaning back squished against the wall. Not for long. Sarah and Shayla, our wing tricksters jumped up and yelled BOO! Elecia and I were a little out of it and didn't react, but Shantry let out this shrill scream. It was pretty funny. According to Michelle (Sarah's roommate) who had been hearing "people screaming all night," this has never been done before. Which is a shame. Cheap thrills are often the most fun.

Poultry Weekend

You know what's sad? Becoming elated after creaming a 10 year old at chess. In my defense, Mike's really good. For his age. Really.

Ah, Thanksgiving. No school Wednesday. Sandbultes in Minnesota on Thursday. Kind of boring, I know no one. Spent the entire time talking to the Hooyers (Heidi, Dad, the sisters) and playing cards. The Grandparents Sandbulte on Friday. Jim, Carla, and the kids were also there. Because they live in Nebraska we HAD to watch the Nebraska-Colorado football game. Apparently it is this big rivalry. I got bored and left before the game was over. Saturday was the Hooyers. Much more fun. Better food. People I've met more than twice in my life. Dirty Clubs. Pitch. Kings and Slaves. Fun With Drawing. Soccer. Spoons. Mitch. Mad Gab. By the way Becka, I still have a lump on the back of my head!

The funnest day was, of course, Sunday. I got to pack eggs! Than they let me look for dead chickens! And then (I had to beg) they let me wash out sulfuric smelling five gallon buckets that had broken raw eggs in them all day. You can't beat that.

Oh, Sunday night this quartet came and sang at our church. They were really good. Think Oak Ridge Boys mixed with the Statler Brothers singing cool church songs! As always, my favorite singer was the guy that sang bass. Daddy sang bass, Mama sang tenor...

Friday, November 16, 2007

Titles Are Not My Strong Suit

I love getting things in my mail box! (Hint! Hint!)

It was Natural Beauty Week (at least for us ladies here a NW). Basically, a lot of people gave up something that they thought makes them feel beautiful. Example: makeup, perfume, contacts, etc. Also as a result of this, all the mirrors are covered up.

Anyway, for D-Groups this week we didn't have a lesson from the bible, we had a What Makes You Beautiful discussion. Then we passed each received a blank card that we put our names on, and passed them around the room with everyone writing something positive about that person inside the card. Then we got donuts. Amy attempted the Waiter Showing Off The Food One Handed and almost dumped the sticky pastries on the rest of us. Anyway, the donuts were very good.

Back to my original statement, we didn't get to read the comments on our own card Tuesday until they got mailed to us. I picked mine up today. :) Happy Happy Happy! :)

Monday, November 12, 2007

This is Not a Wal-Mart

The new Wal-Mart super center has opened in Sioux Center. Ticker tape! Parades! Speeches by politicians! Money given away! Parties!

Excuse my sarcasm. I finally decided that I was bored enough to tour the place (an we were out of cat food), so Becka and I stoped by to sneak a peek. After seeing the place I say in complete certainty: this is not a Wal-Mart. Wal-Marts don't have that wide of aisles. Wal-Marts are industrial and warehouse-like. I lost my train of thought. This is why dorms are not the best place to be when you are trying to do something. People stop by to chat.

Anyway, At first approach, it looks like a Wal-Mart: security cameras in the parking lot, arrows pointing the way you should drive, those shopping cart return places, real live automatic doors that seem like there are on the wrong side (watch sometime: most people enter through the 'exit' door). Do Not Be Fooled! This is someones diabolical plan to take over the world! If you walk through those doors you will never be the same!! BRAIN WASHERS!!! Don't do it!!!! Don't let them take you over too!!!!!

Wal-Mart is the greatest store in the universe. Go. Spend money. Look at the fishies.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Didja Miss Me?

I had my post almost entirely written, and than my stupid laptop highlighted and deleted everything. And than this web page helpfully saved my progress.

Ok, lets try this again. *Authors note: I don't feel like typing it all out again.* I haven't blogged in a while... blah blah blah... DON'T SHOOT!... blah blah... I didn't feel like it.

I'm not caught up in all my classes... blah blah blah... took some tests... blah blah... didn't quite know the material... blah blah... Proffessers have been very understanding... blah blah... they will grade differently... blah blah... Don't worry, I'm not completely stressed out.

Ok, back to where I was. Wednesday was Halloween. Children in cute costumes came and cried for candy. Laura broke the lightbulb in the hallway outside her room. Apparently tossing an empty candy bowl up and down is not a good idea. Also, this wing's vaccum is possessed. It moves when no one is touching it!

Elecia, Shantry, and I than went to V. This is the improv team. (If you're wondering, it's pronounced Black V.) It was really funny. My favorite one (as with all improv shows) was the one where they send members out of the room and than have the audience shout out phrases which are written on slips of paper (example: "shun the non-believer" or "I want you, I need you, Oh baby, Oh baby" or "our pet's heads are falling off"). When the team comes back in they are each given the slips of paper which are stuffed in pockets. Then a location is chosen by the audience and the team has to make up a story at that location (for us, the moon). Every once and a while, a team member will pull a sip of paper out of their pocket and read it like it is part of the story, and things take off from there. It was very cool. If you ever have the chance, go watch improv.