Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Slime Fights and D-Groups

Friday was the beginning of the Clash of the Classes. The activity for the day was the Slime Fight, which, according to Heidi, is the best part of the entire school year. Basically, it was every class against each other, all fighting for the privilege to fill a water trough full of slime using only small plastic cups and childrens' sand pails with holes punched in the bottom. (whew... that was a long sentence...) It was extremely messy. One time after dumping the slime from my cups into the tank I turned around and found myself facing to guys running right at me with a bucket dripping between them. I couldn't get out of their way, and they couldn't get out of mine, so I ducked down and let them go over me. This of course led to the slime coming out of the bottom of the bucket to cover my head. It was fun though... I was actually envious of the students inside the troughs where we had to transfer the slime from. There were three troughs in the center of the field, and each had a member from each class inside it. They were the only ones who could fill up the cups/buckets, so their always was a line to get slime. Funny moments occurred when people would wipe out because much slime got on the grass making it very slick. All in all it was very fun... Even though the freshmen only got second place...

D-groups (discipleship groups) started last night. D-groups are the bible study groups accross campus every tuesday night, with each hall having their own leaders. It was pretty fun. We had a 'get to know eachother' activity that was very enjoyable (if you were stranded on a desert island and could have only three things, what would they be?). I think I'm going to have fun with this.


Becka said...

What were your 3 things? Some things: boat, cell phone, the mainland, food, books, cat, survival expert, etc

Charity said...

gum, bug spray, yacht

Loren&Jolene said...

water barrel, mirror, and a magic lamp. - Dad