Friday, May 30, 2008

Blood and Tornadoes

So a few days ago Becky had a game. I, of course, had to work. But for once I got off in time to see her play the second game. I rush to the time clock, clock out. Run to the parking lot. Speed across town to the field. Park the car. Run to the field. Yes! I made it just as the first inning was starting. Becka sees me and shows her appreciation for me coming: "Good, your here! I need your sweatshirt."

Anyway. I go through all of that and she doesn't play at all. Go figure.
Yesterday there were tornado warnings. It looked really bad around our place. Sarah and the boys were at Tykwando, but the rest of us went to the basement. And played cards. If a tornado had taken us, they would have found us in traditional Hooyer fashion: playing our last hand.
I gave blood today. It was not one of my better experiences. First off, they she pricked my finger wrong. She didn't poke far enough, or something like that, and though she squeezed my finger until I couldn't feel it anymore, she couldn't get enough blood for a iron test. Than, they couldn't find my vein. They thought they had it, but no blood was coming out. So I had to sit there while they jabbed the needle around to find it back. They finally got it, but about four times the blood flow stopped and they had to readjust the needle. Then they made me sit there for an extra five minutes while they iced the area, even though I just wanted to leave. Grr. But I'm a hero. I saved up to three lives.

Miscellaneous pic of James reading in his Tykwando uniform.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Aaaand I'm Back!

Wow. A lot happens when you don't blog in a while. I need my pictures to remind me as to what all happened. Here goes. Tulip Festival happened. I only got to go the day Mike marched in the parade. I'm working too much. I never have time to do anything. I only get two days off a week and one of those is always Sunday, so I really only get one free day. For my one free day this week I got to see Becky play. They didn't do too well, but they didn't do awful either. Mitch was there for the first half of the first (JV) game. He was walking to Grandma's and he saw the pretty uniforms. We also had our first bonfire. It was a little too cold for it, but we survived. As usual, my pyromaniac of a cat was obsessed with the fire. Dad said he was worried that Tiger would catch on fire and run under the house and burn it down. My kitty may be the smartest kitty in the world, but his tail was only about an inch away from the flames.This is me and Becky singing along to the radio in the car. No reviews please. This was just for fun.

Final note: I will try to blog more often. Once a week is not enough.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Blue, Khakis, and a Car

So I assume everyone knows that I am working at Wal Mart now. Fun, fun. Long hours. Repetitive works. False smiles. Mistakes. No freedom. Not all that good pay. Ah, well. It's a summer job, and the only chickens I run into are in bags and the eggs are already cartoned.

So, again, I had a little mishap with the little gold car. I was driving it and it started going krugh kachunk grugle chunk. And then it stopped. When I say stopped I don't mean it turned itself off, I mean you could press the gas but it wouldn't go anywhere. And the funnest part was that I was on my lunch hour at the time and had to get back to work in time. Then add to the fact that I didn't have a cell phone on me at the time and had to knock on a door to borrow a phone to call dad. Dad then had to come to get me in Sarah's car because mom was in Sioux Falls working, Becky was babysitting for Phil and Judy and had the white car, and dad's truck is in the shop. I don't like Sarah's car. The radio doesn't work.

One thing I've noticed while working at Wal Mart: Hooyers shop there. Sandbultes don't. I've seen Judy, Ethan, Tom, Marta, Heather, Holly, Anne, and Randi there, but no one I recognized from the other side of the family. Huh.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Random Pics From Who Knows When

Ok. So some of these pictures have been on my camera for so long that I'm not quite sure when they were taken...

Here goes. The number one reason you should never agree to power-spray your dad's manure spreader:
Becka's cello, Cowboy Cash. At least I think that's what she's calling him...

Mike and his cat Spooks. If I had taken this picture, you can bet I would have pushed him off of there right afterwords...
Me and my new kitten Bandit:

And finally, me and my (still) favorite cat Tiger. The cutest, smartest kitty ever.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Ode To The Evil Fly

You appear from nowhere
To buzz around my ear.
When I try to swat you
I hit myself instead.

O fly, you ugly thing!
Your eyes are bigger
Than they should be.
This makes you hard to kill.

Because you are resilient
I become frustrated.
Sometimes I think that
A nuclear weapon is needed.

One of these days, O fly
You will need to rest
And that will be the time
That I will exact my revenge.

I will accept nothing less
Than your guts, O Fly!
Your guts smeared
On my very own swatter.