Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What A Boring Life I Lead

Ok, so I'm posting because I haven't posted in a while and I feel like I must. That being said, I have nothing to post about. Well, our rotation came up to eat at Grandma H's on Sunday (big deal because it only happens like once every two months). It was pretty fun, we ended up playing a couple games of Pitch with Tom and Anne. Than we introduced the two of them to Dirty Clubs. This is the only game that Becky will play with us. It went on For-Ev-Er! That's what happens when you have six people playing.

On a side note, it is really windy out today. I was driving our little gold Ford Contour and I was sure that I was going to be blown off the road! Thankfully my fourth accident didn't happen today. According to statistics, you are supposed to get into one accident every seven years (counting little fender benders). According to that logic, I shouldn't have another accident until I'm 39. Yeah. Right.


Janet said...

You'll have to teach me the clubs card game, I hate playing cards. Down here everyone plays Pitch, I hate pitch. Glad you all get to play cards and eat with Grandma H. I miss that, wish we visited up there more.
New Thought:) It is VERY windy here, too, although it is 73*. We didn't go fishing. I love TO fish but I HATE fish. There will be other days to go.
I need a nap!!! I've been working at my mom's cafe so much lately that I get behind at home and my brother and a few guys come tomorrow to Turkey hunt so I better get busy. I told Mitch and I'll tll you too you all are welcome to come visit us in KANSAS anytime. OK!!!

Itchellmeh said...

same here janet! I had track practice today, and I felt like I was going to fly off it was so windy. But I guess the wind did help after the warm weather:)

Itchellmeh said...

I read that 'bingo' thing on your blog, and I decided that track practice was enough, and that I DONT want to run around my house thank you very much!

Charity said...

Just so long as you yodel.

Becka said...

I actually kind of like pitch except when there is a lot of people. It was really windy here. I was surprised that the cats didn't pick up and sail away.