Friday, April 18, 2008

Late Nights and Cranky Kids

Sooo... I just got back from babysitting Phil and Judy's kids while they went to Sioux Falls. It went well. Just your usual Ethan upset with everyone and crying every half hour, Isaac getting really cranky and having a long crying fit, and Derek and Dexter playing quietly together in front of the computer screen. Oh. And one of their cousins was there. Or, more specifically, their cousin's son. He was a good kid. Didn't give me any trouble other than the occasional 'get Ethan to stop following me!'

As with all babysitting jobs, getting them to go to bed was the hardest part. Ethan and Isaac started out in the same bed. Than Ethan started kicking Isaac. Than Isaac started yelling at Ethan. Than Ethan started crying. Than Isaac moved to his own bed. Than they started arguing. Than I told them to be quiet and go to sleep. Derek and Dexter went to bed exactly when I told them to with no argument whatsoever. I find the contrast in their behaviors to be quite an interesting phenomenon.


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Toner, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Becka said...

I've had that happen before!

Charity said...

Ok. In an attempt to stave off these stupid virus ridden 'click on me' comments, I am going to make you work a little harder to post a comment. Do not let this deter you! I love comments and you should, even if you have to type 'xnbrdpa' in a little box just so I can see your pretty little thoughts.

Itchellmeh said...

well, I didn't let 'mlibqa' stop me from commenting:) Well, I see that I paid Isaac and Ethan enough to bother you when I couldn't.

Becka said...

I personally thing that hpwidt is a cool word that should be used in everyday english. Oh, Sarah just said that Hudi just had another kitten

Itchellmeh said...

yay! kittens! how bout 'ixacck' for a good name?

Becka said...

There are 6 kittens. One is named bandit, another, Sparta. One's that are nameless are 3 blacks, 1 grey/striped. Any suggestions? (Other than bjwwc)