Thursday, July 31, 2008

Work, Ponies, Cards, and Movies

If your wondering why I haven't posted, I have a very good excuse: work. I miss a lot of activities because I work, and then when I do get to do the activities, I don't blog about them because I work right afterwords. The 4-11 shift translates to "you no longer have a summer."

We got ponies! Marco and Polo! They don't look like those shaggy hill ponies, but like miniature horses. My favorite pony is Marco. He actually listens (when he feels like it) and is cuter than Polo. Actually, everyone (but James) likes Marco the best (and let's face it, James isn't the crunchiest cookie in the box). Anyway, James and I took Marco and Polo over to Paul and Maria's one day. We get there and Dillon runs out of the place waving his arms yelling 'Ponies! Ponies!' I than realize that I have to be at work in an hour and it takes me 20 minutes to drive there. And I need to shower because I smell liked four-hoofed animal. So I call Sarah to come pick me up to drive me home, and to take Mike to take care of Marco. Thankfully, I made it on time.

Anne came over on Sunday night to play cards. We ended up playing rook. It was really fun. I haven't played rook in the longest time. It was made funner by the subsequent creaming of Mike and Dad by me and Anne. I think the final score was something like 230 to 850.

Also on Saturday we (all the kids minus Becky and plus Rie) went and saw The Dark Knight. I thought it was really good, though not as good as the hype said it would be. Rie thought it was really scary, but I don't really get frightened by movies (which is why I don't really watch horror movies), so I was fine. We also saw the X-Files movie today. It was ok, but it would have been better as a slightly longer TV episode than a full length film. But Skinner made an appearance, so all is forgiven.

1 comment:

Charity said...

Wow. Two weeks between posts. Don't shoot me!