Thursday, July 31, 2008

Work, Ponies, Cards, and Movies

If your wondering why I haven't posted, I have a very good excuse: work. I miss a lot of activities because I work, and then when I do get to do the activities, I don't blog about them because I work right afterwords. The 4-11 shift translates to "you no longer have a summer."

We got ponies! Marco and Polo! They don't look like those shaggy hill ponies, but like miniature horses. My favorite pony is Marco. He actually listens (when he feels like it) and is cuter than Polo. Actually, everyone (but James) likes Marco the best (and let's face it, James isn't the crunchiest cookie in the box). Anyway, James and I took Marco and Polo over to Paul and Maria's one day. We get there and Dillon runs out of the place waving his arms yelling 'Ponies! Ponies!' I than realize that I have to be at work in an hour and it takes me 20 minutes to drive there. And I need to shower because I smell liked four-hoofed animal. So I call Sarah to come pick me up to drive me home, and to take Mike to take care of Marco. Thankfully, I made it on time.

Anne came over on Sunday night to play cards. We ended up playing rook. It was really fun. I haven't played rook in the longest time. It was made funner by the subsequent creaming of Mike and Dad by me and Anne. I think the final score was something like 230 to 850.

Also on Saturday we (all the kids minus Becky and plus Rie) went and saw The Dark Knight. I thought it was really good, though not as good as the hype said it would be. Rie thought it was really scary, but I don't really get frightened by movies (which is why I don't really watch horror movies), so I was fine. We also saw the X-Files movie today. It was ok, but it would have been better as a slightly longer TV episode than a full length film. But Skinner made an appearance, so all is forgiven.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Becky's Having Fun. I'm Not.

I know dad has erratically posted pics of Becky's trip that he got from the tour sight. Here are some that he missed. I'm posting them because someone (coughsarahcough) told me I needed to have pictures on my posts, and as Becka has my camera...

First off, the group in front of the Heidelberg castle.
Becky, Paula, Elizabeth, Hannah?, and Brantner (the extremely cool teacher who made this all possible) in Venice.
And the last stop of the trip: Paris.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Fun Times!

I bet y'all been wondering what fun things have been occupying my time so that I haven't been able to blog. Let me tell you, it's probably the most exciting thing you've ever heard of! I've been working! For eight days straight! And when I haven't been working, I've been sleeping! Cool, huh?

Oi. I am so glad that I have tomorrow off. One more day of glassy-eyed smiles and fake salutations and I would go bonkers. Insane. Three fries short of a happy meal.

Of course it won't be much of a day off, as all I'm doing is driving up to Minneapolis with dad and Sarah to pick up Becky from the airport. And then come straight back home. I'll probably be more exhausted at work on Saturday than I was today.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Top 5 Reasons I Like Becka Being Gone

5) She has my camera, so I have an excuse for not posting pictures.

4) Strawberry pie is cut into six pieces instead of eight.

3) The computer is not tied up with someone watching House episodes.

2) Her room will be free for when Rie (our Japanese student) arrives.

1) She's bringing me home souvenirs!

Friday, July 11, 2008

4th Part 2: The Hooyers

Mwa ha ha ha.... The two reasons I love this holiday? Family and explosions. And not necessarily in that order.
Me going for the hot dogs. One package of hot dog buns was buttered! No one has claimed responsibility for this heinous act, but I'm pretty sure it was mom.
All the kiddies playing with explosives.
Me playing with fire! Ok. It's a parachute that I'm test lighting. I got to set off a lot of the rockets at night!
All us cool people playing Quiddler. Someone played with my camera settings and I didn't notice until after I took this picture that the flash was turned off.
Anika post snakes. You know, those black circles that you light on fire and then they grow...
Mitch trying to look smart with my glasses. Unfortunately I needed them back because I'm blind without them.
Kings and Slaves after the fireworks. Another almost-tradition. Notice Katie. She doesn't like having her picture taken.
...but I forced her to take a 'nice' one.
James having the time of his life.

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th Part 1: The Sandbultes

Sandbulte reunion on the 4th of July. In Rock Valley. Every single year.

Becky shuffling the Old Maid cards. I haven't played it in a while. We also used the cards to play go fish. We didn't have any real cards.
Me lazing in the sun.
Katie. She had never been on a merry-go-round the correct way.
Everyone eats!
Me playing softball.
I hit a home run!
Ruth watching the game.
Seth from Michigan playing ball.
Me watching the games.
James watching the players.
Waiting for a ride on a horse drawn imitation Wells Fargo carriage.
Sarah and James inside.
Me imitating a dog in a car.
Exit carefully when the ride comes to a complete stop.
Ruth got to ride up top.
James and Seth go one more round.