Monday, April 28, 2008

The Game For Brains

Did you know that the fluid inside of coconuts can be used as intravenous fluid (an IV) in emergency situations? Neither did mom (our resident nurse) and it put her on the slow track. If you're confused, we were playing Cranium. What can I say? I love that game. There is nothing funner than playing it three times in a row. Unless it's winning the first two games and coming back from 1/3 of the way through when the other team is in the center and only loosing by one card.

Me and Becky make a good team. For the first game it was me, Becka, and Sarah against Dad and Mom. Sarah and Mom switched teams for the second game, and then Mom joined Sarah and Dad for the last game. We now own the new version of Cranium and it has some cool new subjects, like Team Gnilleps (spelling backwards with each member of the team taking turns calling out letters), Mind Meld (two people write down the first three words that come to mind after hearing the topic and at least one of the words has to match), and one where you position a partner like a puppet so they can guess the word you are trying to convey.

Becky and I thought that we should change the songs in the Humdinger category, because there was not one song in all three games that any of us has even heard of.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Happy (Late) Birthday Sarah!

Ok. So Sarah's birthday was yesterday. And I'm only just getting around to posting a 'Happy Birthday' to her. Don't sue me. Yesterday I was the first one to say it to her. Anyhoo, she's 21 now. Tell her Happy Birthday the next time you see her (or the next time you comment on her blog). Wow. I'm on my laptop right now and I just realized that I only have one picture of Sarah on here! I normally just load them on the family's computer because other people (Becka mainly) like to use them on their blogs, and they don't have access to my personal computer. Also, in case you were wondering, I have no idea why she has keys dangling from her ear.

Friday, April 25, 2008

HIghway 75

There are 75 reasons not to drive down highway 75. Just because I don't know them all doesn't mean it's not true. You'll see at least 75 trucks hurtling past you going 75 mph, ready to crash into you. I once had a truck from the other lane pass (coming into my lane) when it was so foggy out that you couldn't see more than 75 feet in front of you. Add to that, and there was snow still on the road and you have a recipe for disaster.

75 bottles of rootbeer on the wall, 75 bottles of rootbeer!

Becka commented that she just counted 75 flies in the house. And she's named them all.

Ok. This post has no point except to point out that this is my 75th post. Hail to the queen!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Late Nights and Cranky Kids

Sooo... I just got back from babysitting Phil and Judy's kids while they went to Sioux Falls. It went well. Just your usual Ethan upset with everyone and crying every half hour, Isaac getting really cranky and having a long crying fit, and Derek and Dexter playing quietly together in front of the computer screen. Oh. And one of their cousins was there. Or, more specifically, their cousin's son. He was a good kid. Didn't give me any trouble other than the occasional 'get Ethan to stop following me!'

As with all babysitting jobs, getting them to go to bed was the hardest part. Ethan and Isaac started out in the same bed. Than Ethan started kicking Isaac. Than Isaac started yelling at Ethan. Than Ethan started crying. Than Isaac moved to his own bed. Than they started arguing. Than I told them to be quiet and go to sleep. Derek and Dexter went to bed exactly when I told them to with no argument whatsoever. I find the contrast in their behaviors to be quite an interesting phenomenon.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What A Boring Life I Lead

Ok, so I'm posting because I haven't posted in a while and I feel like I must. That being said, I have nothing to post about. Well, our rotation came up to eat at Grandma H's on Sunday (big deal because it only happens like once every two months). It was pretty fun, we ended up playing a couple games of Pitch with Tom and Anne. Than we introduced the two of them to Dirty Clubs. This is the only game that Becky will play with us. It went on For-Ev-Er! That's what happens when you have six people playing.

On a side note, it is really windy out today. I was driving our little gold Ford Contour and I was sure that I was going to be blown off the road! Thankfully my fourth accident didn't happen today. According to statistics, you are supposed to get into one accident every seven years (counting little fender benders). According to that logic, I shouldn't have another accident until I'm 39. Yeah. Right.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

For Mitch

This was the 'talent' that Mitch, Sydney, and Dillon did at the Hole in the Wall. It is hereby added to my blog by request from Mitch. It's not very long, but I took it on my camera, and videos take up a lot of memory. Ooh! I just remembered one of my favorite pics from the HitW! How many other grandmothers do you know who will look at a grandchild being tortured by other grandchildren and jump in to help them pull the first grandchilds hands together behind his back so that they touch? I love you, Grandma!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A Picture Is Worth 1000 Words

I've decided that I'm just going to post pictures of our stay at the Hole in the Wall. Too much happened to actually write about. I will, however, say that my favorite aunt was sorely missed. Also, I gave up on trying to format the pictures so that they look nice. Ok, I give up. No more

pictures, although I do have many more of them. 301 pictures are way too many to post.

Random Video Fun

This video was taken the first night of our stay at the Hole in the Wall.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Mr Policeman

I found a new favorite song today. Well, yesterday. Click on the link below to listen. The video shows the lyrics as well.

Points to whoever know the song that the last lyrics come from and which George Clooney movie it is in.

Dad has admitted that he once outran a cop. Anyone else have any good police stories?