Thursday, February 21, 2008

I'm Just Sitting Out Here Watching Airplanes...

...take off and fly-aiiii...

Ah... Things are looking up. Both Andrew and Casey are better, though Casey stayed home from school on Tuesday (he stayed with Brenda while I was in school). Yesterday was great. They were only at home for about an hour before they had church. Andrew tried to instruct me on the "fast" way to get to their church. We got lost. I've gone that way before, but not with all the new housing that has gone up. Or in the dark. Some how we ended up next to their school. There I decided that we would take the "long" way. Which took less time than the short way if you take into account the getting lost thing. Then it was Casey's bedtime and Andrew had basketball practice that I didn't have to take him to, and then Andrew went to bed. After being in their presence all day every day for days on end, it was nice to have some me time.

...Trying to figure ooout which one you might beeee on...

Still, I'm pretty much ready for Mark and Sarah to be back.

...and whyyyyyy you don't love me any mooore...


Charity said...

Sorry. That song was stuck in my head. (Gary Allen for those of you who are not Becka)

Charity said...

If lawyers are disbarred and clergymen defrocked, doesn't it follow that electricians can be delighted, musicians denoted, cowboys deranged, models deposed, tree surgeons debarked and dry-cleaners depressed?

Itchellmeh said...

i like that song too. I had it stuck in my head a couple of days ago. thanks for the reminder. I went to school for the first time today... o how much home work i have over the weekend. I can't wait to get started!

Becka said...

I hate Chemistry. That's the class I have the most to make up in.

Itchellmeh said...

It has been 5 days, 21 hours, and 27 minutes since you last posted! WHY MUST YOU TORTURE US?!!!

Itchellmeh said...

5 days, 21 hours, and twenty-EIGHT minutes and counting! WE'RE WAITING!