Monday, February 18, 2008

The Babysitter vs. The Evil Flu

I'm babysitting this week for Mark and Sarah who are in Mexico this week. When I accepted this position, I didn't think that it would be that bad. I mean, I only have Andrew and Casey (no high-matinence Jolee), and they have school and afternoon activities for most of the day, and with a bedtime of 8:30 I don't have to do much with them.

The week started out great: I came over to their house at about five thirty on Friday, was fed homemade chicken alfredo (made by the wonderful chef Mark), watched a movie and went to bed. Mark and Sarah left sometime during the night.

Things went bad that next day. They had a real-estate agent looking at the place so we were supposed to go to Grandma's house, but because Andrew was sick we went to my place instead.
Andrew was sick and cranky the rest of the day, and he ended my day with a bang. First he threw up all over the floor and then decided it would be fun to wake me up at three in the morning. If that wasn't bad enough, I am now also sick because of him, and by waking up that early, I got this huge headache and I couldn't get back to sleep.

To make this job easier, Casey also is sick. I've been in charge for three days, and already it seems like three weeks.


Becka said...

James is now better. Everyone else (except mom) is sick now. Me and Michael are staying home today.

Itchellmeh said...

i'm sick too... so is Mark Hooyer and my dad. Who's next?...

Itchellmeh said...

Good luck with the sick kids. I'll pray for you as long as you promise not to dump them here if you get sick.

Charity said...

I am sick. Just not real sick. My temp never got above 100.5, but I do have this nasty cough that won't go away.

Itchellmeh said...