Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Finals Week!

Ah, the end of the semester. When college students everywhere start wishing that they paid more attention in class, the dorms don't sleep, and evidence of cramming is everywhere.

Poor saps. I love this part of the school year. I pay attention in class. I never study for tests. I only have to go to school 3 days this week! No class, only four tests! I am told that I am one of the only people who feels this way. Mwa ha ha... After Thursday, I have no more school until January!

Shameless plug: go down two posts and read the first chapter of me and Becka's story!

Monday, December 10, 2007


I was in a weird moment today, and I had this stupid idea: I should write an epic adventure making fun of my favorite cousin! The idea stuck, and as I 'washed' dishes tonight I proposed the idea to Rebecca, and she agreed to be my cohort.

The first chapter is posted here on my blog, the next one, whenever that is completed, will be posted on Becka's. It will be a ever growing story with each chapter being a mini story with one larger goal in mind: rescue the princess. If you would like to propose an idea for a mini chapter (who does Mitch meet, and what happens to him) please comment. The idea is for each character to be named after a relative. If you are not related to us, leave your name and we'll try to integrate you into the story as we see fit.

Important Author's Note: This is fiction. This is satire. We mean no offense.

Signed Charity & Rebecca

The Many Adventures of Mitch the Midget

An Epic Adventure Of True Heroism
Based on True Events

Chapter One
Or, How It All Began

Mitch was a midget of midget proportions. Red-headed, and known to the few who knew him as a simple man. Not too smart, not too handsome, not too brave. He made his living by playing the war drums for the village warriors.

Isaac the Destroyer was the greatest warrior that the village had. He had raided the most villages and captured the most donkeys. Mitch the Midget didn’t like Isaac the Destroyer. Isaac had stolen his drumstick. He could not play without his drumstick. It was his lucky drumstick. It was made out of rabbit fur and the tooth of the most feared quontron. Isaac didn’t like Mitch either. He played the drums too well, and it took away from his fierceness when people watched the drummer and not him.

Isaac the Destroyer turned the village people against Mitch. “He is not one of us. He has not joined us on any of our raids. He cannot defend us against any one who attacks us! He must go!” The villagers backed their hero, and Mitch was banned, and tossed out without a quib to his name. With nowhere to stay, Mitch started out on the faint path leaving from the village.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Pointless Post

I was playing hearts on my computer (yes, I know, not the greatest opponent, but still) and I beat my previous high score! 423 games played, 203 won (47% for all of you that were wondering), and one high score of 0. Or maybe it's called a low score.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Snow. Ice. Whatever.

What I miss most about Wisconsin: roads in winter. In Wisconsin, snow might not blow off the highways, it also snows more, but Wisconsin has something that seems to be beyond the deepest imaginations of Iowans: snowplows.

In Wisconsin, there are more snow plows on the road than cars. They work 24/7 to make sure most roads are cleared most of the time. They don't wait until the snow has stoped. And even after the weather is nice again, they are always around to clear the roads one last time and to put sand/salt on all the roads to prevent ice. I feel comfortable driving in the middle of a snowstorm there. Not here. If it is absolutely necessary for me to drive this winter, bring the flowers 'cause I'll be in the hospital. Chocolate and funny cards are also appreciated.

Side note: I picked out new frames for my glasses! They are petty much the exact same size and shape and color as my old ones!