Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Normal

Once more, a random piece of nothing. The day started out pretty boring. That's when the martians attacked. What do martians look like you may ask. Well, I don't know. I never actually saw one; that being said, I know they were here. How else do you explain the mystery meat in the caf? More proof of their existence is the fact that my marketing test was switched to one on putting together super computers working from instruction manuals written in Latin.

If that wasn't enough, they conspired with my Bib Studies Prof and forced him to plan a huge, intricate, monstrosity of an exam for Tuesday. I believe that it is their diabolical plan to take over the earth while the best and brightest the world has to offer is slaving away at this torture device. That being said, don't plan anything past next week Tuesday. The world won't be here. That is until some genius finishes her test and figures out that the martians' heads explode when cowboy yodeling is played. Just think, you will be able to boast to all your friends that you actually know the heroic savior of mankind. For a small fee, I will mention your name at the ceremony where all countries give me absolute power over all for my large role in saving everyone. Comment if at all interested.


Charity said...

Yes. Much is taken from Mars Attacks! That's also where the quotes are from.

Loren&Jolene said...

Speaking of Sci Fi - the next Stargate disc is in.

...we don't see Jack and Carter get married, but we do see their wedding picture.....Guess they didn't have the props for a wedding scene.....

...Ow! (Just thought I'd say it early.) - Dad

Charity said...

That's not fair! You have to let me be in striking distance so I can assalt you properly!

Itchellmeh said...

a beautiful piece of lies yet interesting knowledge. A++