Thursday, September 6, 2007


Tuesday, pretty much right after I posted last, I was in my room when I heard this really loud sound. It didn't sound like any alarm I had ever heard before. EENH EENH EENH... Than Laura Beth comes running down the hall yelling "Fire alarm! Fire alarm!"

All of us that were there gathered at the stairwell and went down together. Downstairs it was really smokey, and we all went and waited outside. Right when we got outside a police car raced up with alarms blaring. Soon after that the first fire truck showed up. That's right. The first fire truck. Eventually 5 fire trucks showed up, and all the firemen with their little oxygen tanks went inside. By now we were getting kind of bored because we had been standing outside for about half an hour, and we couldn't even start our all hall picknic (which was held outside) because all of our food was inside. And also there were people like Tina (just down the hall from me) who was in the shower when the alarm went off, and had to come outside in a towl. For some reason she didn't want to join us at the front of the building.

Anyways, there was no fire. The Caf just got really smokey. After the firemen blew out all the smoke with big fans, they let us back in. Apparently this happens a few times a year.


Becka said...

Funny! Who needs practices? By the way, you work on Satruday.

Loren&Jolene said...

I'm glad you're safe. Mom

Itchellmeh said...

i think that would be exciting, if nothing bad happened. invite me over next time you think that's gonna happen