Monday, September 17, 2007

Dinosaurs Ate My German Shepherd

WARNING! This blog has no direction. I have No Idea where it is going, and nothing will be deleted after it has been typed.

Nothing much happened today. I got up a seven. I did my accounting homework. I went to accounting. I came back to my room, picked up Shantry, and went to chapel. Chapel was boring. I decided not to listen, and just repeated the first nine verses of Psalm 107 over and over and over and over and over. There are a little over 40 verses, and I need to have them all memorized by Friday, but I only had the first nine memorized, so that was all I could repeat. Then I went to Economics. It was marginally more interesting. Instead of sitting in my normal seat, I sat in the seat directly to the left of it. It was intense. We learned about price ceilings and price floors. Hint: price ceilings go on the bottom of the graph, and price floors go on the top of the graph. Then I ate dinner.

Then I went to Public Speaking. On my way out of my dorm, I came across Jenni (from my Public Speaking class). It turns out she lives in Fern too. On my floor. It took us four weeks to figure that one out. We spent half of our hour long class period 'exercising.' This means stretching out our jaws and saying tongue twisters. Than I went back to my dorm, and found out that Nicki (also from Public Speaking) also lives at Fern on my floor. As you can see, I'm very observant.

Than I did nothing in my room until about 5:30 when Shantry and I went to eat. Than I came back and typed this up in an attempt to avoid my homework. An aside to Sarah: See! It is possible to blog when you have done nothing with your life since your last post!

Added at 9:50 PM: I just ate seaweed. It tasted like fish and soy sauce. It was gross. If someone ever walks into your room and shoves brittle green plant material into your hands and tells you to eat it...DONT! You will regret it!


Itchellmeh said...

great blog. could've made it a bit more interesting by lying though. by lying i mean not telling the truth. and by that, I mean some-what STRETCHING the truth. and by that, i mean... MAKE IT MORE INTERESTING!!!

Becka said...

I like the quotes.

Charity said...

It wasn't supposed to be interesting. I had nothing to write about, so I ranted.

Itchellmeh said...

i agree with becka. the quotes are nice. i like the last one about some one in the trunk (I'll remember that one next time).

Loren&Jolene said...

I like your bumper stickers! I like hearing about your day, even if it's just what you did. Mom