Monday, July 30, 2007

Eggs, Eggs, Eggs

Sorry for not posting for such a long time. Computer problems and procrastination are to blame. Anyway... I've been spending most of my time working at We-3-Egg. I spend 7-9 hours a day either taking dead chickens out of cages or stacking eggs. You'd think stacking eggs would be the better job, but than you've never stood in the same spot for hours on end lifting heavy egg flats and smelling broken raw eggs. Raw eggs smell grosser than you think. I'm not saying I like pulling dead chickens from cages (they can be pretty gross if they don't get caught until they've been dead for days), but at least the scenery changes. The funny thing is, the thing that bothers me the most is the name of the place. Shouldn't it be We-3-Eggs?


Sarah said...

Or Our-3-Eggs?
And I agree with all your points

Itchellmeh said...

At least you get paid something! which, by the way, how much does it pay? just out of interest

Charity said...

$7.50/hr ($8.50 on Sundays)

Becka said...

Feel sorry for you :(

Itchellmeh said...

the sunday thing makes sense.

Hannah said...

While teaching has it's challenges, I'm glad it usually doensn't involve dead things.

Itchellmeh said...

hey hannah, you should write a post on how your jobs going! Tell us how many kids act like Charity and you just want to through them out of class.