Monday, June 2, 2008

Day 1: Hot and Humid

Ok. This is mainly pictures. First off: Becka and I are both in the skit at the beginning of every day of Bible School. I'm human. Becky isn't. Here is a picture of her as a squirrel.
Here is me in her rodent hat.
This is my class of 4th graders. Aunt Sarah is the teacher and Becky is the other helper.
This is Mitch's class. I was on my break and couldn't resist taking this picture.
Or this one...
This is Dillon trying to pull Becka down. He first attacked Randi, then me. Becka got him last.
During the lunch hour, some of the kids I had last year asked me to get a game of Too Late For Supper going. You know. The game Mitch broke his leg playing one year. We started out with about six kids and then it grew to about 30. This pic is of Becky running. During the afternoon, I have a break when the 5th-8th graders have music, so I sang with them. They get all the good songs. This is Mike and Mason VL.
This is the representation of my character from the skit.
The third graders do everything at the same time as us. This is Andrew in the craft tent.
This is me and Dillon during our last activity, and also my favorite activity: music.


Itchellmeh said...

it was fun while it lasted:) Now its TUESDAY!!! avbulfw for bible school!

Sarah said...

Wow! many pictures!!
I like them.