Thursday, March 27, 2008

Snow. In Late March.

It snowed last night. Or this morning. I'm not sure. Because of this the roads were very slick. On the gravel roads (and on our driveway) it was wet gravel (or mud) covered by snow. This made it both slick and sticky at the same time. It is kind of weird to get stuck in the mud in your driveway when it looks all snowy. It only took me five minutes to get unstuck. The highways were snow covered ice. At least I didn't drive into the ditch this time. You can't make fun of me anymore Becka.

I hate it when it snows this late in the spring. It was just getting warm and the grass was turning green. Now everything is white again. Grr...


Becka said...

Ah, but I didn't total the car, or damage the license plate, or make the tire go flat. I didn't drive into the ditch when there was no ice or anybody comming. Yes, I think I can still make fun of you. :)

Charity said...

Ok. Well, you can't say you never crashed a car. Your record is no longer spotless.

Itchellmeh said...

i AGREE 100%!!! I was really looking forward to summer... or at least spring! SUN! I DEMAND you to melt the snow IMMEDIATELY!!!

Itchellmeh said...

no humor in that book? well, it sounds a little less interesting now. I still might try it... can I borrow it(que puppy dog face)? I'm starting the 'Phanton of the Opera' Is it good? Or is the movie better?

Becka said...

I can't think of anything earth shattering to type about so...

I am red and green
I appear in Veggie Tales
I dislike Qwerty

Who am I?

Becka said...

No guesses?

Charity said...

Becka: Bob the Tomato
Mitch: I never said there wasn't humor, I just said it is subtle. Also, there are people at my house (Becka) who have claimed it after I'm finished with it. I've never read The Phantom of the Opera. I love the movie though.