Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Random Ramblings

So... Nothing new. Chapel. Classes. Stats test. Potato soup.

I did run into Heidi today after chapel though. This is news because in the semester and a month that I've been here I think I've seen her a grand total of 6 times. That's including when I saw her today. As always we said we should hang out sometime (though we probably never will) and spent an hour reminiscing about our shared childhood.* All this took place in the middle of the education office area. I think we were a little to loud. Especially since others were having class as we spoke.

We normally write Mitch the Midget together, but if Becka e-mails me with ideas I can type the next chapter as soon as I get it (hint, hint).

*cricket steps, hay bales, saddles, big Sunday dinners, laundry shoots, cards...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Post # 50!

This is my 5oth post!

Ok, not much has happened since yesterday. My wing was going to go to Danielle's hockey game in SC Monday night, but it got canceled because of the weather. Classes are boring. Except macroeconomics. And managerial statistics. And sometimes theology. OK, FINE! They are not boring.

After supper, Shantry, Elica, Laura, and I discussed books in our room. They all claim to like books but none of them have ever read The Princess Bride! Their reasoning being that they've all seen the movie. Grr. Of course they all have read (or in Shantry's case is 100 pages to being done with) Jane Eyre. Which they all read voluntarily! Of course they are all into mom's type of badly written romance novels, so I can't judge.

Random quotes from my theology prof to make us think:
"Would Jesus eat in the caf?" and
"What am I like as a sheep? Am I a good sheep?"

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

April 4, 1979 - January 22, 2008

Don't Worry: I'm Not Dead

Ok. I haven't posted in a while. Yes, I know. I always get after you to blog. I'm a hypocrite. Get over it.

It's hard to summarize more than a months happenings in one post, especialy if that month covers the entire holiday season, but I will try. Hooyer Christmas party. Very fun. Bowling. Games. Fun people. Favorite Aunts. Christmas Play. Unruly sheep. Shepherds beating each other up. Me in charge of the sheep and their herders. Moving the party to Mark and Sarah's house. Getting second place in Cranium (even when the first group got first place me and Mitch were only a quarter of the way done and on the slow track and the other team was 3/4 of the way done and on the fast track: take THAT Becky).

Sandbulte New Year's party. Only new 13 people well (including the six members of my immediate family), but I did know 3 other people who were there so it wasn't a total loss. I did get to go ice skating. It was pretty fun. Uncle Cal even attempted it, and the guy who was in charge of the game room for the Hooyer party two years in a row was there as well. I kind of felt sorry for him: two years of being in charge of the young cousins bowling and fighting.

I also got my wisdom teeth removed. It wasn't that bad. It was the first time I have ever been put under, and apart from having a slightly slower than normal reaction time I was fine. I was eating chips the day they were removed (you're not supposed to have solid foods for a couple days to a week after they are removed). Sarah had hers removed a few days later. She got really sick from the medication.

New semester at school. Fun, fun. This is getting kind of long so I'll stop.