Thursday, September 27, 2007

Making Money

This is the greatest book to be released this year. And yes, I did consider the book written by that other British author when making this claim. Gasp! She made it to seven books! Big deal. In the Discworld series, this is number 36.

Watashi no Uchi

Grr... For some reason, I was unable to sign on to this sight for the past few days... Not like anything has really happened to me, but...

Yesterday I was up in my room and the phone rang. I was confused. I do not communicate by this medium, and Shantry has a cell phone that she uses exclusively. I picked up said instrument of terror and was surprised to hear Becky on the other end of the line. She was in the lobby downstairs. No, she did not come to see me like other loving siblings do, she was just there to pick up a book that I had finished reading and that she wanted to read. *Side note: the book (Terry Pratchett's Making Money) was awesome and everyone should read it!* Because she was there anyway, I decided that I would go home with her for a genuine home-cooked meal.

My plan was foiled, however, when it was brought to my attention that mom was, in fact, working in Sioux Falls. Sadly my much anticipated home-cooked-meal became a me-cooked-meal. Macaroni and cheese with hot dog chunks. Blame Becka: "I haven't had mac and cheese for a while. Just don't make it Dad Style."

Anyway, I was going to go back to my dorm later that night, but it got late so I spent the night. The next morning I had to drive to pick up dad from way out in the country past Rock Valley. He drove his tractor there for tomorrow. Than he drove me back to NW. He was going to stop in SC for gas, but I told him that's to bad, because I was late as it was. By the time he dropped me out in front of my dorm, I had just enough time to grab my books, run to class, and sit down before the class began. Oh well, who needs to finish their homework.

On another aside: I can't watch CSI here! That time slot, the TV lounge is "reserved for Grey's Anatomy." Grr...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Normal

Once more, a random piece of nothing. The day started out pretty boring. That's when the martians attacked. What do martians look like you may ask. Well, I don't know. I never actually saw one; that being said, I know they were here. How else do you explain the mystery meat in the caf? More proof of their existence is the fact that my marketing test was switched to one on putting together super computers working from instruction manuals written in Latin.

If that wasn't enough, they conspired with my Bib Studies Prof and forced him to plan a huge, intricate, monstrosity of an exam for Tuesday. I believe that it is their diabolical plan to take over the earth while the best and brightest the world has to offer is slaving away at this torture device. That being said, don't plan anything past next week Tuesday. The world won't be here. That is until some genius finishes her test and figures out that the martians' heads explode when cowboy yodeling is played. Just think, you will be able to boast to all your friends that you actually know the heroic savior of mankind. For a small fee, I will mention your name at the ceremony where all countries give me absolute power over all for my large role in saving everyone. Comment if at all interested.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

National Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Avast, me hearties! Today be National Talk Like a Pirate Day! Arrg...

Monday, September 17, 2007

Dinosaurs Ate My German Shepherd

WARNING! This blog has no direction. I have No Idea where it is going, and nothing will be deleted after it has been typed.

Nothing much happened today. I got up a seven. I did my accounting homework. I went to accounting. I came back to my room, picked up Shantry, and went to chapel. Chapel was boring. I decided not to listen, and just repeated the first nine verses of Psalm 107 over and over and over and over and over. There are a little over 40 verses, and I need to have them all memorized by Friday, but I only had the first nine memorized, so that was all I could repeat. Then I went to Economics. It was marginally more interesting. Instead of sitting in my normal seat, I sat in the seat directly to the left of it. It was intense. We learned about price ceilings and price floors. Hint: price ceilings go on the bottom of the graph, and price floors go on the top of the graph. Then I ate dinner.

Then I went to Public Speaking. On my way out of my dorm, I came across Jenni (from my Public Speaking class). It turns out she lives in Fern too. On my floor. It took us four weeks to figure that one out. We spent half of our hour long class period 'exercising.' This means stretching out our jaws and saying tongue twisters. Than I went back to my dorm, and found out that Nicki (also from Public Speaking) also lives at Fern on my floor. As you can see, I'm very observant.

Than I did nothing in my room until about 5:30 when Shantry and I went to eat. Than I came back and typed this up in an attempt to avoid my homework. An aside to Sarah: See! It is possible to blog when you have done nothing with your life since your last post!

Added at 9:50 PM: I just ate seaweed. It tasted like fish and soy sauce. It was gross. If someone ever walks into your room and shoves brittle green plant material into your hands and tells you to eat it...DONT! You will regret it!

Friday, September 14, 2007

School Motto

I don't know what Northwestern's motto is, or if we even have one, but I believe that I have the perfect one. Good mottos should all be in Latin. The reason for this is that it makes us appear smarter than we actually are. They should also be short and to the point. And it has to have a repetitive sentence structure.

Northwestern College
Aut Disce Aut Discede

First person to figure out what this means wins.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Weirdest Thing Just Happened...

So I was sitting in my dorm room playing hearts on the computer. Suddenly a guy ran in the room, turned around as if looking for someone, and than ran out again. If this wasn't weird enough, he was dressed in a black wrestling outfit. Complete with black ski mask. Shantry and I were confused. Neither of us knew who he was.

Things quickly got stranger. Two more guys ran in the room. Both were also dressed in black; one with a ski mask, the other with a stocking hat. They turned and knelt down looking out the door black-ops style. There must have been more of them in all the other rooms, and as one, they yelled "Area is secure" and ran out.

Stunned silence.

All of 2nd East flocked to our doors and looked out. The guys were nowhere to be seen. No one knew who they were, or what they were doing, or why.

Maybe it was those charming gentlemen in our brother wing.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

What's Wrond With This Picture?

I just got back from my public speeking class. I gave my first original speech (teamwork). At the end of the hour we got our evaluations back. Sometimes I don't think the Prof knows me as well as he thinks he does. Note his comments:
-Cool topic.
-Great engagement of audience. Bravo!
-You are so comfortable up there. Awsome. What a gift for speaking you have.

First person to notice 3 things wrong with these statement wins.

Two reasons to watch soccer games: Body Slams and Red Cards.
And yellow cards, and tacleing other players, and watching the other teams coach get kicked out of the game, and one of our players grabbing the neck of one of the other teams players and yanking him off his feet, and fights almost breaking out, and players arguing with the ref...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

In Memory...

September 11, 2001
We will never forget.

Monday, September 10, 2007


Not much has happened since the last post. The weekend came and went. I worked. I watched 'The Lost World.' I went to church. I went to the grandparents. I went home. I went to church again. I came home again. I returned to my dorm room. Life as a whole is boring at this moment in time.

Thursday, September 6, 2007


Tuesday, pretty much right after I posted last, I was in my room when I heard this really loud sound. It didn't sound like any alarm I had ever heard before. EENH EENH EENH... Than Laura Beth comes running down the hall yelling "Fire alarm! Fire alarm!"

All of us that were there gathered at the stairwell and went down together. Downstairs it was really smokey, and we all went and waited outside. Right when we got outside a police car raced up with alarms blaring. Soon after that the first fire truck showed up. That's right. The first fire truck. Eventually 5 fire trucks showed up, and all the firemen with their little oxygen tanks went inside. By now we were getting kind of bored because we had been standing outside for about half an hour, and we couldn't even start our all hall picknic (which was held outside) because all of our food was inside. And also there were people like Tina (just down the hall from me) who was in the shower when the alarm went off, and had to come outside in a towl. For some reason she didn't want to join us at the front of the building.

Anyways, there was no fire. The Caf just got really smokey. After the firemen blew out all the smoke with big fans, they let us back in. Apparently this happens a few times a year.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Tonight is our All Hall BBQ. It is pirate themed. I stole-excuse me- borrowed a bandana from Becky... Hopefully I'll have it back to her before she notices or reads this post. All week our hall had to complete tasks to earn our food/utensils/drinks. Some were really simple (like designing our hall flag) and others were not so simple (fit 10 people inside a phone booth and have a stranger off the street take a picture of it, and than get the picture of the stranger). I helped out with two of the activities. 1: I played Bocce Ball with 7 other people at 10:30 last night because our wing likes to procrastinate, and than I completed two and a half sudoku puzzles that were supposedly difficult... I think it took me about 8 minutes. By the way, which pirate joke do you like best?

The pictures are of Becka and Mitch fighting for the (gross) water in my hall.