Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Day 2: Teaching Terrors

So. Sarah TG (the teacher for my fourth graders) was not here today (nor will she be here on Thursday) and I was coerced into being their teacher for the day. It was awful. Ok, it wasn't that bad. I will say though that 50 minutes is too long for fourth graders to sit still for a Bible lesson.

And now: More Pictures! First up: Andrew on the inflatable obstacle course. Next up is Andrew, Dillon, and Becky posing by the same inflatable.
...and Dexter on it
...and me, Becky, and Dillon by it.
Then all of the Hooyers (and one TG) in our music time. Also some random kid who jumped in the photo at the last second...
This is Becky untying Mitch's shoes that she tied together and forced him to walk around in because it's not a good day unless we torture him in some way...
Mike with a spider on his head. We think it layed eggs in his ear.
My little monsters working on their first ceramics...
And finally, Becky and Dillon at our last music class.


Charity said...

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

John 15:13

Sarah said...

How was teaching?

Nice pictures too. Dillon's in a lot of them isn't he.