So a few days ago Becky had a game. I, of course, had to work. But for once I got off in time to see her play the second game. I rush to the time clock, clock out. Run to the parking lot. Speed across town to the field. Park the car. Run to the field. Yes! I made it just as the first inning was starting. Becka sees me and shows her
appreciation for me coming: "Good, your here! I need your sweatshirt."
Anyway. I go through all of that and she doesn't play at all. Go figure.

Yesterday there were tornado warnings. It looked really bad around our place. Sarah and the boys were at Tykwando, but the rest of us went to the basement. And played cards. If a tornado had taken us, they would have found us in traditional Hooyer fashion: playing our last hand.

I gave blood today. It was not one of my better experiences. First off, they she pricked my finger wrong. She didn't poke far enough, or something like that, and though she squeezed my finger until I couldn't feel it anymore, she couldn't get enough blood for a iron test. Than, they couldn't find my vein. They thought they had it, but no blood was coming out. So I had to sit there while they jabbed the needle around to find it back. They finally got it, but about four times the blood flow
stopped and they had to readjust the needle. Then they made me sit there for an extra five minutes while they iced the area, even though I just wanted to leave.
Grr. But I'm a hero. I saved up to three lives.

Miscellaneous pic of James reading in his
Tykwando uniform.
were you pale afterwards? Or not that much blood? jqeyqlbk, how do you pronounce that?
jnrjcy! I think it's tae kwando or something like that
nice pics. If i ever give blood, i don't want to do it where you did. I think its one word... Taekwando.
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