Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying And Sing In The Rain

Ha! I think I have you all beat for any title length! Shantry, Elecia, and I ate supper right before Elecia's Film History class tonight. She mentioned that would be watching Singing in the Rain. Of course I got excited because it is an awesome movie. Neither of them have ever seen it. This of course made me depressed. Attempting to make me feel beter, Shantry said she doesn't like old movies. I scoffed at her and informed her that everyone likes Dr. Strangelove. "Huh?" Um... Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb? "...."

Of course I than informed them that it is only the greatest movie of all time and that they had to see it. Pronto. And if they watched it with me, I'd watch any movie of their choosing with them. Me and my big mouth. They have already begun plotting to find the mushyest romantic movie of all time. Oh, the pain.

On a brighter note, I didn't have economics today!


Charity said...

If a pig looses it's voice, is it disgruntled?

Becka said...

I love singing in the Rain. I love his friend. I also love Dr. Strangelove. Of course, they didn't have Mr. Buchholz.
H-hello... Demitri?

Becka said...

If vampires can't stand to touch crosses, why do they sleep in graveyards?

Becka said...

Oh, we got RE: Extinction from netflix

Becka said...

Oh, Charity, we had a 1/2 day today so Sarah is picking you up at around 4ish

Itchellmeh said...

moses supposes his toeses are roses! but moses supposes ironiously... or something like that. It's been a while ok!

Becka said...

I love that song! You are correct. I love cosmo, his friend and I love how Lena talks. She's so much fun!