Monday, November 26, 2007

Halloween's Over, Casper

More Random Dorm Life Moments...

Ok, only one random moment. Elecia, Shantry, and I just finished supper and were taking the shortcut back up to our floor. For those of you sad fools who have never attended Northwestern, most people exit the caf to the west. Over here lies the main enterence into Fern and the lunch line. On the east side there is another exit. Most people don't use this door. It leads out to a side sidewalk that is not heavily populated. But before exiting that door there is a stairwell that goes up the east wings. Since we all reside on Second East, this is the quickest way for us all to return to our rooms. It seems as if very few people ever use these stairs and you never run into anyone else.

To move up one floor you have to go halfway, make a 180 degree turn, and than continue on the rest of the way. As the three of us rounded the corner, I saw two shapes out of the corner of my eye. People. Two people. Leaning back squished against the wall. Not for long. Sarah and Shayla, our wing tricksters jumped up and yelled BOO! Elecia and I were a little out of it and didn't react, but Shantry let out this shrill scream. It was pretty funny. According to Michelle (Sarah's roommate) who had been hearing "people screaming all night," this has never been done before. Which is a shame. Cheap thrills are often the most fun.


Sarah said...

All! hail Charity the! wonderous! blogger!

Becka said...

What other pranks have they pulled?