Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Tonight is our All Hall BBQ. It is pirate themed. I stole-excuse me- borrowed a bandana from Becky... Hopefully I'll have it back to her before she notices or reads this post. All week our hall had to complete tasks to earn our food/utensils/drinks. Some were really simple (like designing our hall flag) and others were not so simple (fit 10 people inside a phone booth and have a stranger off the street take a picture of it, and than get the picture of the stranger). I helped out with two of the activities. 1: I played Bocce Ball with 7 other people at 10:30 last night because our wing likes to procrastinate, and than I completed two and a half sudoku puzzles that were supposedly difficult... I think it took me about 8 minutes. By the way, which pirate joke do you like best?

The pictures are of Becka and Mitch fighting for the (gross) water in my hall.


Becka said...

1st joke. Which bandana? You could have asked me. Mom and Dad are making me take Caticism. I don't want to. I took it back in WI. They give out homework and memorization. I have enough homework! They don't ask me about anything!

Charity said...

The dark blue one, and you weren't home.

Becka said...

I have black and green. You probably have the black.

Charity said...

It's dark blue, not black!

Itchellmeh said...

As you can clearly see in the picture, i am winning the fight. GO MITCHELL!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Mtchell.
Oh...and its BLACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!