Thursday, August 23, 2007

Is There a BAT in Here?!

Last night we had the All Hall Meeting and Fire Safety Talk. This means everyone from all 9 halls showed up in the gym to listen to all of the rules of dorm life. Because the actuall information was boring, the RA's tried to make it interesting. Some ways they did this was to have 3 RA's write a Hall Anthem and sing it to the tune of O Canada. Than all the RA's rapped all the rules.

Than Lisa (our RD) went through some other rules and than she started reading us a divotional: "...and carrying the yoke of service is there a BAT in here?!" Somehow a bat got into the gym and spent half of the hour meeting flying over our heads.

Apparently Lisa is very into dress up days. No, you don't leave those behind in High School. In about a week, we are having an all hall picknic. The theme: pirates!


Sarah said...

I seem to have all the first posts.
Oh well...
It sounds like you're having fun. When you come home this weekend you'll have to tell us all about it.
Nice limricks by the way, I'll have to put up some quotes on my blog too.

Loren&Jolene said...

Hi, Charity,

Sarah's been showing me how to use this. Guess you can teach an old dog new tricks.

Sounds like you're having fun.
