Thursday, September 25, 2008

10 Things I've Learned As A Cashier

1)Busy Is Better Than Dead
A four hour shift that you don't do much seems longer than a seven hour shift where you are checking people nonstop.

2)Smile And Nod
If they use your name, they probably know you from somewhere. Smile and nod and pretend you know them even if you swear you've never seen them before.

3)Don't Assume They Don't Speak English
Just because they are Hispanic, don't assume they don't understand you. Treat them like every other customer. They appreciate it, even if their English leaves something to be desired.

4)Make Fun Of The Other Cashiers
It makes the day move faster and more fun. Extra points if you make fun of your managers.

5)I Hate People
The job wouldn't be as bad if it weren't for the customers.

6)If You Don't Know, Delegate
If someone asks you something and you don't know the answer, or know the answer is something they don't want to hear, send them to someone you don't know or, in the later case, to someone you don't like.

7)Audits Aren't Necessarily A Bad Thing
If your manager audits your register, it doesn't mean you did something wrong. They just need to audit a certain number a week.

8)5 Minute Conversations
Pick a new topic for every customer based either on something they say, something they are wearing, or something they are buying.

9)I'm Not Good At Names
People know me. I don't know them.

10)I'm good At Faking It
I can carry on a conversation without knowing the person, or without knowing the topic.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wow, It's Been A While

So about a week ago, I went to go see Mitch and James run in a cross country meet. In my honest opinion, everyone should see one in their lifetime. Just one. Anyway, here is me and James before his race.

Here is James lining up to start the race. Beside him you can see the Okaboji Jr High girls team who missed their race, and decided to run with the boys. You can tease James. Some of them beat him!

Here he is makeing a last minute sprint towards the finish line.

...And here he is right after he finished running. He got 7th! Much better than last year's second-to-last performance.

And here is Mitch running (posted due to the fact he asked me not to).

He didn't do too bad. Well, he didn't finish dead last...

Anyway, I'll try to post more often now. Of course, this means y'all shold post more too...