Thursday, August 21, 2008

Living Historty

Living History Farms! I hadn't been there since the 4th grade.
Becky having fun at the Indian wigwam.
The 1800's farm. And the menfolk cutting grass.
James was scary with this thing. I thought he was going to let go and kill someone.
Mike doing women's work.
Moving forward in time. We were all happy about this except Mike.
Mom made a friend.
You can't see it, but this seat bounces.
By this point we were all tired and hungry.
If only Mike were this enthusiastic about mowing the lawn at home...
This one seems pretty self-explanatory.
The waitress advised against Mike ordering this because she didn't think he'd be able to finish it.
...but he finished it! Though, he didn't finish his fries.
At the blacksmith's, one of them showed us a knife blade and the wire used to make it.
Look at us good little kids excited to be in school.
I always knew Becka was a bad child...
Becky at the wood workers.
Mike and James spent so much time at the blacksmiths (read, they stayed there the entire time that the rest of us were exploring the village) that they were allowed to go behind the security chain, and Mike got to stoke the fire.
As per tradition, at the end of the day, your day pass sticker goes on some piece of public furniture outside. Not shown: the completely wallpapered trashcans.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Zoo: Part 1

Car trips. When you leave early in the morning, people like to sleep.
Omaha Zoo. The greatest zoo in the world. Yes. I still like zoos. Here is me hugging the world. Here are us girls looking at...
the cute tigers!
Even though it was over 100*, there were those that were able to keep cool.
Meet Henry the Hippo. He eats people.
Henry was hungry enough to go back for seconds. High on a hill was a lonely goat herd... Becky was obsessed with the budgies.
And yet another pretty bird. That wandered around. Unfortunately we couldn't catch one and smuggle it home.
End part 1. But wait, there's more...

Friday, August 8, 2008

Zoo: Part 2

Start Part 2: Sea Otters! Soooo cute!
Meercat! In the Desert Dome!
The cute rock dwellers.
The arrival of uncle Jim from Lincoln.
And his kids, Levi, Caleb, and the twins Grace
...and Micah.
'Allo. My name's Bruce...
Levi. The Shrimp.
Penguins! My favoritist animal!
Baby shark, do do, do do do do...

Move on.

Zoo: Part 3

Begin the 3rd (and longest). Fishies, fishies, everywhere!
Look at the pretty, fragile creatures in the...
Flutterfly house!
Look at the monkeys!
The hills are alive, with the sound of music...
They're touching the snake! Oh, wait. It's a vine.
Are you having fun yet?
Awww.... You can tell why all the girls have a crush on him...
When you're not tall enough to look over the edge, improvise!
Crikey! Look at the size of those things!
Pretty bird! Pretty bird!
Watch your step!
We enter yet another continent.
Charity, Charity, Charity of the Jungle. Watch out for that tree!
Reach high, to the sky, and you still can't reach the first branch.

Side B. Side B.