Monday, March 31, 2008

Stop With The Snow Already

It snowed again today. See two posts ago for my complaints.

Anyway. Becka and her friends had fun. They drove around to see all the sights in SC. It took them all of about half the morning. Also they apparently liked holding the baby pigs at my grandparents house. I thought it could go either way. Either they would be repulsed and refuse or they would absolutely love them. Apparently it was the later.

At our house they played Pit and Mad Gab. They played Pit wrong. I was on my laptop not three feet from them, and with my music playing on my headphones I couldn't even hear them. They were louder when they came back hysterical after jumping on the tramp and swinging on the trapeze at Eugenes.

Saturday night I stayed up to about midnight with James and Michael (who had been kicked out of their room by the invading horde) playing the Farming Game. It was pretty fun. Everyone thought James was going to win (he had all the fruit and all the lucky spins) but I beat him by $30,000! Again, I shouldn't be so proud of the fact that I beat two boys who aren't even in High School yet.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Mud on the Tires

So for about a month we have been planing a surprise for Becka. Three of her friends came down from Wisconsin yesterday to spend the weekend. The way it was supposed to work was for them just to show up and Becky be all surprised. Things never work as planned.

First off, Becka asked (about two weeks ago) if she could go to a sleepover this weekend. "Um... No..." "Why Not?!" "Um... We can't tell you but you just can't." This of course raised her suspicions. Yesterday was bad. She knew we were doing something, but she didn't know what. We were like, well it won't be a total surprise but it'll be fun to see her face when they walk through the door. Then we got the phone call.

These nice city kids followed their Map Quest directions right onto the Level B road a mile from our place. Needless to say, they got stuck. We had to pull them out with one of Dad's tractors. The road was so bad that dad didn't even trust his big 3/4 ton pickup on it. According to the dad who drove the girls down (although the girls did all the driving) they saw the sign and were laughing at it: "Level B road. Her her her... Enter at your own risk. Her her her..."

Anyway, by the time Becka finally got to her 'surprise,' she had already guessed (and had her guess confirmed) what was going on. In her words: "No one who lives around here would be crazy enough to take one of those roads this time of year."

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Snow. In Late March.

It snowed last night. Or this morning. I'm not sure. Because of this the roads were very slick. On the gravel roads (and on our driveway) it was wet gravel (or mud) covered by snow. This made it both slick and sticky at the same time. It is kind of weird to get stuck in the mud in your driveway when it looks all snowy. It only took me five minutes to get unstuck. The highways were snow covered ice. At least I didn't drive into the ditch this time. You can't make fun of me anymore Becka.

I hate it when it snows this late in the spring. It was just getting warm and the grass was turning green. Now everything is white again. Grr...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Evil Genius

I'm trying to post once a day to make up for my not posting for almost a month. Unfortunately, I forgot to post yesterday so I have already fallen. Ah well.

Yesterday we (Dad, Mom, Sarah, Becka, James, Mike, and me) went to Sioux Falls to eat for my birthday. I love the Olive Garden. Well, I love their Chicken Alfredo. Anyway, Mike sees his plate and goes "this looks good even if it is a small amount." He barely ate half of it. I don't think he realizes that pasta is filling.

Afterwards, because this is my family, we went to Barnes & Noble. I got a really good book that I'd never heard of before. I was attempting to help Becky locate a book when I saw it. I don't care what they say, I always judge books by their covers. In this case I am happy I did. The book is called Evil Genius by Catherine Jinks. I'm only about 70 pages into the over 500 but I already love it.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Shoot Low Boys, They're Riding Shetland Ponies

Happy Birthday to me! Yes, you all have been blessed with my presence on this good green earth for 19 years now. Well, everyone older than me... Some of you have had the good fortune of knowing me all of your life. Aren't you lucky?

All in all a good day. Presents. Cake. Church. Grandpa and Grandma S. More Cake. Home. Relaxing. Blog.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Lucy, I'm Home!

Ok. I haven't posted in a while. Don't shoot!

I'm sorry I took
So long, but I still posted
Before my sister!

Break is fun. I didn't do anything. Hence, no posting.

Today we ate at Grandpa and Grandma S's house. Jim and Carla from Nebraska were there. Jim had brought up his old computer at set it up there, giving my grandparents their first computer ever. Apparently they will use it for e-mail and not much else.

Tomorow's my birthday!

Becka's Bendy Back

This is Rebecca doing a back-bend at Grandpa and Grandma's house today. She had to do it three times before I finally caught it on tape. Or more accurately, on memory card. You can see half of the second time and the third time here.