Monday, July 30, 2007

Eggs, Eggs, Eggs

Sorry for not posting for such a long time. Computer problems and procrastination are to blame. Anyway... I've been spending most of my time working at We-3-Egg. I spend 7-9 hours a day either taking dead chickens out of cages or stacking eggs. You'd think stacking eggs would be the better job, but than you've never stood in the same spot for hours on end lifting heavy egg flats and smelling broken raw eggs. Raw eggs smell grosser than you think. I'm not saying I like pulling dead chickens from cages (they can be pretty gross if they don't get caught until they've been dead for days), but at least the scenery changes. The funny thing is, the thing that bothers me the most is the name of the place. Shouldn't it be We-3-Eggs?

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Who Has Time To Blog?

OK... So lots of stuff has been going on in the past few days, so finding the time to post has not been easy. The good side is I actually have something to write about, the bad side is that I don't want this post to be too long...

Saturday was Reunion Day. I got to see people who it seems like I never see. Highlights include Curt, Julie, and family making a surprise appearance, the water balloon fight (very fun. I got soaked), and getting smoothies (made by Heather).

Afterwords, everyone went over to Sandy Hollow for swimming and hamburgers. Some college? kids set up a zip line across the pond, and my uncle Greg went on it. It was kind of funny.

Than we went to my grandpa and grandma S's house because my cousins from Michigan (who I only get to see once a year) just arrived. The rest of the day, night (they slept at our place), and today was spent in their company and the company of my Nebraska cousins who also arrived today... Family... Have you ever noticed that most of the year you barely run into each other, but there are times where you can't go a day without seeing some long lost relation?