Friday, June 27, 2008

Becka Beats Boyden-Hull

Becky and the team Pow-wow before the play.
Ecker-Becker-Soda-Cracker waiting to bat.
Dad and Sarah at the game
The correct place for the ball to be released: at the hip.
Here is Becky at the plate.
The vid is of a Becky-Pitch. You can't hear it, but the ump called it a strike.
Ok. So that title really isn't true, but Becka Ties With Boyden-Hull just wasn't as alliterative. Becky did really well pitching. Except for an alarming tendency to lean forward. Sometimes. But they only had one true hit off of her (the only run they did score was on errors). Oh. This was the JV game. The varsity game is still going, but since it is unlikely that Becka will play any that game, I left early.

I Missed It!

Arg! I just noticed that five days ago was my one year anniversary for blogging! And I missed it! I was going to throw a party. Balloons! Streamers! Music! Dancing! Cake! Everyone invited!

Ok. I was just going to post something that made a quick note of it. In honor of this, listen to Gary Allen's Songs About Rain sometime today.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I'm Bored

Right now I am posting just for the novelty of posting at 1:25 in the morning. I'm having one of those nights that I'm not tired, can't fall asleep, but am not in the mood to do anything.

Not much has been going on with me. I sleep. I get up. I go to work. I go home. I sleep.

I don't see much of my family except in passing. I went all the way through today not realizing that Mike left for camp yesterday.

Wow. Short sentences. I must be tireder than I thought.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Another Late Update

Ok. I realize that this month I am the poster child for posting long after events happen. That being said: here we go again. This was the Saturday right after VBS. The guy who donated a lot to mom's hospital just so he could get his name put on the sign threw a company picnic. Sarah and Mike didn't want to go so we took the leech instead.
We rode the rides...
...which were very fun...
...and James got a new girlfriend from Hartley.
Here are we four musketeers. Just like the book. Yes, there were actually four of them.
Mitchell's shoes suddenly had knots in them...
...which were probably put there by one of these two dirtbags.
Becky and Mitch dancing to the music in their heads.
James looked a little bored waiting for the concert to start.
The reason why Mitch should never grow a mustache:
Dad and Becky saving our spot while we went on a few more rides. Thank you Becka!
Sheryl Crow...
...and Rascal Flatts!
...and more Rascal Flatts!
...and more Rascal Flatts!

In all, a very fun night. And the best part was it was all free! Thank you Mr. Sanford!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Day 5: Finally Friday

Day five. Friday. Yee haw! First up: torturing Mitch during opening. We got his 'friends' to help us.
But you know we did more. We even made him come sit next to us helpers because he was a bad kid.
This is Jade, Brooke, Randi, Sarah, Eugene, and Scott. All helpers who forgot their name tags and had to go up on stage and sing a demeaning song. Randi actually had hers, but Sarah stole it. When Randi got called on stage she told them to have Sarah come up as well because she didn't have her name tag. It wasn't really fair for Euge to go up, because he was never actually issued a name tag. But they made him anyway.
Here is Becky and Mitch right after opening. Doesn't he look happy to be in the presence of his favoritist cousins?
Sarah, Rebecca, and I played Operation. We had been wanting to since we saw Iron Man (there is a scene that mentions it). Me and Becky tied.
Dillon and Andrew using my markers...
Randi dancing in a poodle skirt...
Me with a hat from one of the dancers...
...and Sydney with the same hat.
Horse rides!
Becky, Isaac, Dexter, and me waiting for our ride.
Isaac and Becky on the ride.
Me and Dexter next to the horse!
Becky was there too.
James with one of Phil and Judy's kittens.
Mike at the program...
...and Ethan sitting in the middle of the fellowship hall.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Day 4: Flash Floods

Ok. It's been a while, but I still want to put up pictures from all the days of VBS. Day 4 (Thursday) meant that Sarah was again working, and I was again in charge of the monkeys. This first pic is of most of the girls writing a 'script' for me. Alexis chose to sleep.
...and this is my boys doing the same thing. They were messing around more than the girls so I didn't have high expectations. Their 'script' was better than the girls.
Becky and Dillon.
There were flash flood warnings, and it was raining hard during lunch, so we had to eat inside.
This is Mike right before it started raining. He was making something out of nails. I think it was a cross.
Because of the weather, all the kiddies came into the sanctuary and sang silly songs instead of going outside for the noon recess.
This is Kyler...
...and this is Trey.
Randi had left her car at Euge's house because she thought it would hail. She was taking Andrew and Cacey home. And she was supposed to pick up Ethan from daycare for Judy. And I had to take Becka, James, Mike, and myself home. Randi needed a ride to her car. I was nice. I had eight people in my tiny car.

Day 3: Cool Ceramics

Wednesday had Sarah back in the saddle, making me a helper again. This is a job that calls for concentration and seriousness at all times. As evidenced by this picture.
This is me and Becky laying out in the nice sunny weather. Well, I was soaking up the sun and Becky took a picture beside me.
Mike got hit in the face with a soccer ball. I took him into the girls bathroom to get it cleaned up. And when I say "took" I mean "dragged." According to Derek, Mike "didn't want to talk about it."
Here is one of me and Becka's sidewalk chalk creations.
Sarah told me she was going to jump over the divider. I took this to mean hurdle style. Oh well.
We did ceramics. Here is Raelee and Alexis
...and Tanner.